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All DPS should check out the Amazing Epeen Bot at http://raidbots.com/epeenbot/ This tool allows you to see how your parses compare to the rest of the raiding community. Here's my take on the percentiles:

Above 95%: You are a shining example of how to be a boss at playing wow

Between 75-90%: You are doing extremely well! At this high of a ranking, you are probably more gear-limited than anything else but that doesn't mean you're perfect. Keep squeezing out what extra performance you can.

Between 50-75%: You are doing a good job but can use some improvements to better yourself. Look for innovative ways to improve your performance and squeeze out that last bit of performance.

Between 25-50%: Your performance is okay but you can be much better! You can use some improvements in your rotation/uptime as well as gear.

Between 10-25%: Your performance is sub-par and you're not doing a great job. You can use some major improvements in your rotation/uptime. If you are this low, gear is probably less of an issue than what you're actually doing.

Below 10%: Hate to say it, but you're doing it wrong. What exactly? WoW.

If you are consistently low on a certain fight, watch videos and look at parses from people who've done the fight better. For example, we have a lot of people that do very poorly for some reason on beth'tilac. If you're a hunter (for example), search youtube for "Beth'tilac Hunter POV" and watch the videos to see what they are doing better than you. Also, look at parses and see where their damage is coming from. If you compare parses and see that hunter X that did twice as much damage than you has the same amount of multi-shot damage but double damage in every other attack, that probably means that he did a much better job at maximizing uptime on DPS while not dpsing spiderlings but he spent just as much time on spiderlings as you.

etc etc.

I feel that we have a very good healing and tank core in this guild as well as some amazing individual DPS players but we can use some overall improvement with our DPS core. Use this tool to help yourself (And the rest of the guild) out!

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