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I have been out of the loop for a while, is there anyone who can update me with a good combat/assassination spec and rotation? or has the evoultion of my class stagnated?


My understanding is that all three are really close right now and if your 10man needs a specific buff that one spec would bring, it's probably better to be that spec for the buff. Blizz has rogues in a really good spot, all three specs are pretty competitive so play what you most enjoy.

Correct me if I'm wrong everyone. And welcome back Ghost :)


I have the stuff and experience with Assassination, so I will probably stick with that, and work on catching up with combat. I am def looking forward to raiding and hoping to do a firelands or something else this week so I can work up to DS.

I should have my specs and key bindings finished tonight, shadowcraft is lacking as of late, so i just needed a new base line.

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