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OKAY, well, as some of you may have noticed I haven't been... doing much of anything on WoW recently.


Now the cause of this isn't that I don't want to raid nor is it that I don't like raiding with this guild, it's simply that I don't have the time available to be able to sit down and play for that amount of time on two of my work days.


I would love to be able to, I love playing my character and I like raiding with this group, but as I said I can't sit down with you peoples for a worthwhile amount of time. Perhaps this will change. For instance I get a shift that doesn't require me waking up at 4:30 am.


And you may say, "Well, you don't need that much sleep to wake up at 4:30." and you may well be right, but I do have IRL things that needs be taken care of prior to me passing out. :P


This is by no means a "Goodbye", simply me having to take a hiatus from logging on and playing all night like I used to. I won't die off completely, I'll still check in from time to time, just can't sit down for said amount of time.


When the time comes that I am able to play again I do hope I'd be welcomed back. Until that time, good luck with your WoW times.


Such a somber post to say I can't make raids in this current time frame. Or maybe it's just me. Ahhh, what ya gonna do.




that's fine dude, our guild has always been about real life first, it's the essence of our casual mentality. Take care of what you need too and we'll see ya when we see ya

     ____               ____
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And now I'm off to sleep.

     ____               ____
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         //     \,/             \,/     \\
         \\_____//               \\_____//

And now I'm off to sleep.


RIP in peace


Dude, moot taught me well.  I've been solo queueing PVP blind pick and just STOMPING on people my lvl.  Last time I played, I went 32-2.  I've been playing Tristana which according to moot isn't even that strong early game.


I still suck, but I'm not awful at least.  It scares me to think of just how badly a professional-level player would crush a new person.  LoL is much more skill-intensive than I thought.

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