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I'm going to be a sad hunter playing BM because the other specs are garbage and Blizzard is an asshole making my most despised spec the best one... pricks... gives us a melee spec and it's shit.


Agreed Roqwell. MM is garbage, will be forced to use SV for solo questing, farming & pet taming (bec it has traps) & BM is definitely not what it used to be but does the most damage out of the 3 specs.


Once the artifact weapons come out that should help out & hopefully Blizz will also make some improvements and repair the damage they have done to Hunters.  B)


You guys are crazy, all three hunter specs are really fun to play.  I like the complexity of Survival.  Definitely seems like there will be a high skill cap there.  Hunter will also be the only class in the game that can switch from ranged dps to melee dps with only changing a weapon.

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45 minutes ago, Lyntha said:

You guys are crazy, all three hunter specs are really fun to play.  I like the complexity of Survival.  Definitely seems like there will be a high skill cap there.  Hunter will also be the only class in the game that can switch from ranged dps to melee dps with only changing a weapon.



11 hours ago, Gromn said:




Druid needs to change accessory items.  Their armor will flip but they still need some items from the other gear spectrum since they're changing from int (ranged) to agi (Melee).  Same with ele/enhance shammies.


With hunters, both ranged and melee specs are both agi so they really just need to change their weapons.


They will still have to chage to melee trinks and range trinks assuming they are still here, not to mention diff stat priority

On 7/29/2016 at 0:23 PM, Lyntha said:

You guys are crazy, all three hunter specs are really fun to play.  I like the complexity of Survival.  Definitely seems like there will be a high skill cap there.  Hunter will also be the only class in the game that can switch from ranged dps to melee dps with only changing a weapon.


Not saying they're bad. SV is the most fun I've had in a spec in a long time and MM has some great new abilities to it.


Looking by the number though, they are both shit. SV even more so than MM. At least with MM there are a few fights (based on the released numbers from some guilds in beta) where it's a tad better than BM, but there isn't really any fight that can make SV look good. Honestly, think it would only be good for PVP/Solo questing due to the high survivability of it (it is "survival" afterall). 


By comparison to the other two, BM is my least favorite to play and always has. Doesn't mean it ain't fun too, just shitty by comparison.


I've basically spent the whole weekend playing hunter and have concluded that BM is my favorite spec.  I love the class fantasy of having pets and beasts just EVERYWHERE.  "You get a dire beast, you get a dire beast, you get a devilsaur, you get a hati.  EVERYBODY GEEEEETS PEEEETS!!!!"


The artifact talents will do some neat things too, like give you a second pet and have the second pet benefit from Bestial Wrath, Kill Command and Beast Cleave.  Speaking of Beast Cleave, I love it.  Make sure to multi-shot every 4 seconds and your pet does sick cleave damage.  Barrage is great fun for AOE as well.  I got a chance to try out the other specs some more and SV is still fun but you really have to love melee to love it.  I'll love the change of pace.  More importantly, I will gladly switch melee/ranged dps specs depending on whether melee is beast at a fight or not.  Good melee fight?  Go melee and top meters.  Good ranged dps fight?  Go ranged and top meters.  Hunters are top.


I still don't know what to make of MM.  It just feels so awkward.  I was enjoying it while leveling up but then I got the level 100 talents.  Sidewinders is just the worst.  Managing a core aspect of your gameplay around a random buff and having to use that random buff with an ability that has a cooldown feels so awkward.  What do you guys think of MM?


You know I love how my nickname makes people dislexic XD everyone calls me cable. Makes my nickname even more warlocky putting brain diseases on everyone

On 29/07/2016 at 0:23 PM, Lyntha said:

You guys are crazy, all three hunter specs are really fun to play.  I like the complexity of Survival.  Definitely seems like there will be a high skill cap there.  Hunter will also be the only class in the game that can switch from ranged dps to melee dps with only changing a weapon.

have you played super dumb down bm? and MM feels clunky with marked shot, and i like survival but it just kinda takes the less interesting parts of other classes like lacerate or harpoon. 

20 hours ago, Roqwell said:

Looking by the number though, they are both shit

blizzard is trying to ballance everything right now though i wouldnt judge whats doing the most dps as something to play until it hits live, and as much as you carry us some days i think you should put your enjoyment ahead of that, and we can try to pick up some of the slack.


Nah, BM is definitely pretty basic, I agree with you there.  It's basic but it works.  With a lot of haste and crit, dire beast will reset often, giving you more dire beast buttons to push.  Even though Barrage isn't the best single-target talent, I switched to it for dungeons and the rotation feels a lot smoother.  Any time I would be not pressing anything for a few seconds, I just barrage.  It completes the rotation nicely and looks super sweet as well.


Survival is fun.  It's new enough and mongoose bite managing is fun.  MM is the spec that needs the most work.  Maybe I need to just abandon using sidewinders regardless of damage because it's the worst talent ever.


Has anyone tried atonement healing?  They really changed the hell out of it.  I've been doing some timewalking dungeons and the 5-man healing potential with it just insane.  Seems to struggle a bit with tank-healing but I've noticed that with all the healer specs I've been playing.  Maybe I'm just bad?


heals do feel weaker all around, i know on my shaman doing mythics deft tanks and in the past we could chain pull it like crazy and pull a few groups at a time now it is a bit tougher as it takes more heals to top her off then before the patch, but still not terribly difficult.


but ive only really tried resto shaman for pve and holy pally for pvp at lvl 100 so not sure about the other healers


One person's opinion.  Atonement takes a LOT of getting used to, even for someone like me who atonement healed in the past.  After I got used to it, it's insanely powerful.  Atonement in the past was always a smart heal and would automatically heal the lowest hp party or raid member.  You now need to heal someone first to put atonement on them, which only lasts like 10 or 15 seconds.  You have this weird healing "rotation" where you get atonement on the people who need it then dps the target.  Rinse/repeat every 6-10 seconds.  When only healing one person (Tank), your healing is pretty weak but PW:S helps provide a buffer and some single-target oomph.  When you're healing 3-5 people, it's absolutely silly.  One good penance will do 25-40% of every person's HP bar.


Atonement in the past was an excellent tank/burst damage healer.  Now it's the complete opposite.  The requirement to pre-heal people (Or heal then damage for additional healing) means that Disc cannot react to damage as quickly as other specs.  If they are prepared for the damage however, the healing is insane.


i tend to share her opinion on this, though most of it was through timewalking i feel like its over all weaker then most other healers. it feels rather noticeable when there's one in the group, it might be because people don't understand how to use it or if its over all weaker, but i find it noticeable 


You can never trust other people.  Just remember how averages work.  Think of how bad the average wow player is (Run LFR if you need a reminder).  Half of all WoW players are worse than the average player.


Try it yourself and let me know what you think.  It definitely has a high skill cap but is super powerful.

9 minutes ago, Lyntha said:

Think of how bad the average wow player is (Run LFR if you need a reminder).  Half of all WoW players are worse than the average player.



Running lfr or doing pugging in general makes me really appreciate our raid team, even our worst players are far better then the average lfr raider.

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