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Capital LAN Corp. - Website Committee
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Everything posted by Mastric

  1. Mastric


    Dam You Grunty!
  2. We're leaving together but still it's farewell and maybe we'll come back, to earth, who can tell?

  3. I never thought of sicking my imp on an orb
  4. For the Horde!

  5. Starcraft 2 Wooo, Anyone else in the Beta give me your screenname

  6. Grunty!
  7. Nice, I'm gonna have to go about managing my UI, i've got so many addons that i use once and while like Altas
  8. So have we learned that skiping trash is a bad idea, and that trash should be better CC'ed. I guess with better people they could learn to control the loose ends better.
  9. This isn't somthing i would be expecting Great to say. Being you know the way he normally acts in raids, fooling off, going AFK and such all the time using his own deaths to cover it.
  10. Create a folder called "Sound" in your ...\World of Warcraft\Data\ folder. Create another folder called "Creature" inside of "Sound". Create a folder called "XT002Deconstructor" inside of "Sound". Inside of "XT002Deconstructor", create a new, blank file of any type. Name it "UR_XT002_Adds01" and change the extention to .wav. Copy and paste and rename it for the following: UR_XT002_Aggro01.wav UR_XT002_Berserk01.wav UR_XT002_Death01.wav UR_XT002_HeartClose01.wav UR_XT002_HeartOpen01.wav UR_XT002_Slay01.wav UR_XT002_Slay02.wav UR_XT002_Special01.wav Problem solved. Only draw-back? You can't hear the real boss. This does NOT affect your .MPQ or other related data files, and there was a blue post somewhere saying that they allow sound changes done in such a manner. In order to undo this sound change, all you have to do is delete this blank file. Attached File With Folders and Files All Set Sound.zip
  11. Just wait 10mins and it will fade away, this isn't classic man there isn't a 1h debuff.
  12. OMG Wili's second post!!!
  13. lmao Aylah having medical problems?
  14. You can go with the Saturday 25 raid
  15. Normally we hear you in the background while Wili is talkin XD
  16. Censored just wants our uber website
  17. Mastric

    Melodian Down

    He drop any good loot?
  18. And Newma just went past the line...
  19. I would like to make more use of the Master rank for some of our dedicated and supporting members. At the moment i'm not sure if there is a difference in Master and Council's abilitys
  20. So Prydain for Master or Council? Also I'm still working on the Raid Teams page. This Page will display the 25 man and 10 man team rosters, achivements, loot, etc.
  21. Not Bermsy! He was so young and his Mpbs so high!
  22. Looks like your trying to hug the stone
  23. I'm just lightly over 5000gs :\
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