We've setup Trello to track the status of our current and upcoming project ambitions. Any suggested idea's we find feasible will be added to Trello and then anyone can then track the status as we complete them.
Bring foward any idea, we have the man power to bring ATR the best.
@Nerita https://trello.com/c/YddDduco/4-guild-party-countdown
@kansir, I have it set to a max of 10 per post so @Mortelinnor doesn't get too many notifications from @kansir, causing @Mortelinnor to freak out cause @kansir kept sending @Mortelinnor @Mentions.
Just the ATR Ranks for now, WoW, BF, & GTA ones will come later. Most likley themed to match the game. Rank names, icons, and colors are also subject to change.
Ranks Above this Line Require Application Approval
I'm good with purchasing http://graphicriver.net/item/phoenix-/11303929 to use as our official logo and then letting people design what they see with it for the vote.