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Capital LAN Corp. - Website Committee
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Everything posted by Mastric

  1. Don't wanna be confused with the hunger games :\
  2. We had some thoughts that a Pheonix may look too much like this...
  3. You cant fool us by posting from gromns computer narita. 'narita'? Wow, i see how is it pooplash Wouldn't it be verlash?
  4. It's the tool that administers the Battlefield servers.
  5. We've setup Trello to track the status of our current and upcoming project ambitions. Any suggested idea's we find feasible will be added to Trello and then anyone can then track the status as we complete them. https://trello.com/atrgamers Bring foward any idea, we have the man power to bring ATR the best. @Nerita https://trello.com/c/YddDduco/4-guild-party-countdown
  6. @kansir, I have it set to a max of 10 per post so @Mortelinnor doesn't get too many notifications from @kansir, causing @Mortelinnor to freak out cause @kansir kept sending @Mortelinnor @Mentions.
  7. Set all the defaults so everyone gets it, @Mortelinnor. However it's not currently set to send an email, i could turn that on.
  8. They're a thing now, @HappyUnholy @ @Rebelogic @Nerita @OtherPeople
  9. That font just makes anything look good.
  10. It also goes with BF Server Admins, none of those yet however.
  11. Just the ATR Ranks for now, WoW, BF, & GTA ones will come later. Most likley themed to match the game. Rank names, icons, and colors are also subject to change. Ranks Above this Line Require Application Approval
  12. Ya, which links are you clicking? I always control click things so I can't tell what do and don't open in new tab.
  13. I'm good with purchasing http://graphicriver.net/item/phoenix-/11303929 to use as our official logo and then letting people design what they see with it for the vote.
  14. It's AI so scale-able, wasn't gonna pick it up untill we liked it http://graphicriver.net/item/phoenix-/11303929
  15. Not enough tanks.
  16. Would have to buy it to get a better quality
  17. Good for site logo, I'd have to see how it looks when flattened.
  18. That one would work, license allows full use, just couldn't copy right it. ... I can't draw no firebird!
  19. THe trick is finding one we're legally able to use
  20. It's the phoenix from Pirate Bay, should be able to find something on a vectorstock or similar site that we can use or buy.
  21. Rodger dat
  22. Something that can be put in to a 2/3 color shirt design would be a plus. Quick Mockup,
  23. Windows Photoshop not good enough?
  24. Easy enough, should be able to have it done tonight.
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