That! Is getting annoying...
An idea of Core Raider was to have a Core set that didn't need to sit, pee, eat, or move a couch, and could be relied upon in all but the most dire requests. The idea of a limited group does sound good, allowing Raiders, Core Raiders, Officers+ (Active Raiders) to vote and choose the "Top ##" could work. Remove the weekly rotation + promo, only the core group can retire someone from there rank, then the Active Raiders would vote on the replacement. Reset the entire Core Group every Tier and let the Active Raiders choose the core.
I'm good with keeping the gold benefit currently as it's small, but nothing other then the rank+ should be given. The idea would be that "Core Raiders" choosen by the Active Raiders would be the best in all logical means. A sort of buffer to the officers for non officer tasks.
9 May be a good number, vote breaking, these nine kings, sorcerers, and warriors of old.