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Capital LAN Corp. - Website Committee
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Everything posted by Mastric

  1. So we'll see you tonight?
  2. Good thing we don't raid on those days
  3. Looking though worldoflogs there are still some demo locks out there, only one fight is epic though http://worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-fcracokuqmrnyvsg/sum/damageDone/?s=316&e=593
  4. Mastric


    Wonder why this was up top again, thought for a second you messed something up and the wedding was off, allowing you to go to the Guild Party or somethin.
  5. Mastric


  6. The glory days Vile! http://raidbots.com/dpsbot/Spec_Score/25H/100/14/365/default/#0000100000000000000000000000000000
  7. Have to say Affliction on that one fight is crazy, http://raidbots.com/dpsbot/The_Fallen_Protectors/25H/100/14/60/default/
  8. Shammys http://worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-9pwm2p7ihs1fxw36/analyze/dd/source/?s=10391&e=10904
  9. Noooo Ice Maker!
  10. I'm playing a low DPS class/spec, makes you wonder if the people below me should re-roll too
  11. Mastric

    4-8 and 4-9

    Tether ftw!
  12. Mastric


    O.o what kinda Married are you getting? Church Married?
  13. I always knew you secretly loved me Varlash. Warrior mobility too strong. On a serious note though, I have enough mobility to soak more puddles than any other melee that was in the raid last night, so you can be damn sure I'm going to use that mobility as much as I can to help our group. Too bad no other melee classes have sprint or anything like that :\ What are you talking about Mastric?! DKs have a 6s sprint on a 30s cd as a talent! ... Didn't think i needed [sarcasm] [/sarcasm] on dat
  14. I always knew you secretly loved me Varlash. Warrior mobility too strong. On a serious note though, I have enough mobility to soak more puddles than any other melee that was in the raid last night, so you can be damn sure I'm going to use that mobility as much as I can to help our group. Too bad no other melee classes have sprint or anything like that :\
  15. Held, always attacking Vorty...
  16. Many was a crazy puddle sucker http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-o2qcwu04o4dhnvhh/spell/142986/
  17. Here Vorty this gives more information then your little addon, even has a tab with deaths so you can see what close deaths are from wipes. http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-o2qcwu04o4dhnvhh/spell/142816/ Hard to replace 22 people in raid with Mastaheals :\
  18. Mastric

    April 2

    Naz fight is too hard for DandyDong
  19. We can't play that spec, Pika would gquit :\
  20. Mastric

    Best Wishes

    A sad day
  21. Mastric

    Best Wishes

    I didn't program the site for this level of sadness! She can't take it Captain!
  22. Having a Core Raider as just a step up from Raider and based on seniority would be more appropriate. Like Raider, it would have basic requirements, for example six months in the guild and 80% attendance, and it would give that fine line between who is core and who is not. Yes, there will be many, but it would also give new people something to goal towards. And it wouldn't cause drama because there is no competition. Das not a bad idea
  23. That! Is getting annoying... An idea of Core Raider was to have a Core set that didn't need to sit, pee, eat, or move a couch, and could be relied upon in all but the most dire requests. The idea of a limited group does sound good, allowing Raiders, Core Raiders, Officers+ (Active Raiders) to vote and choose the "Top ##" could work. Remove the weekly rotation + promo, only the core group can retire someone from there rank, then the Active Raiders would vote on the replacement. Reset the entire Core Group every Tier and let the Active Raiders choose the core. I'm good with keeping the gold benefit currently as it's small, but nothing other then the rank+ should be given. The idea would be that "Core Raiders" choosen by the Active Raiders would be the best in all logical means. A sort of buffer to the officers for non officer tasks. 9 May be a good number, vote breaking, these nine kings, sorcerers, and warriors of old.
  24. I didn't actually see Vorty's post as anything negative vibey
  25. Very well pointed post Varlash and it would have worked 2 weeks earlyer, but Bash has already started reform We are currently looking to changing the ranks, we're just not sure with what. Our Jedi rank system seemed to work back in the day but we can't remember how it worked. For the time being we're most likely going to test this until the expansion in hopes of having it ironed out for the next new raid.
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