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ATR Associate
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Everything posted by Flashplate

  1. Flashplate


    haha that happened already, relapsed back in high school, been off of it for 4-5 years now so probably wont be coming back
  2. Flashplate


    I am in TS still just not on BF4 as nearly as often as I used to be. One day the itch will come back... one day
  3. Flashplate


    Flash is still alive, mr phxer, and happy if thats what you feel is appropriate then i understand. I am just trying to enjoy my computer gaming again, got burnt out of BF4. Still that is not a reason to leave the clan unlike some gentleman hah, that was mean I partially take the jab back
  4. Flashplate


    ill leave you to deduce which one hah
  5. Flashplate


    mmm spreadsheets make me happy
  6. LMAO i did not know they had an achievement named after this. i know about the leeroy jenkins ones but this hahah classic
  7. Flashplate

    Old skool

    I remember seeing/hearing this for the first time, I died of laughter. Still find it hilarious, I miss vanilla. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yKqKg6DfTY
  8. true-er words have never been spoken before
  9. until

    fuck! what happened to sundays!? haha im guessing that is a question that has been answered a loooooong time ago. Sunday I would be able to come, Saturday is tentative
  10. haha I am not a religious man, but this might make me find a god. Come on player base, stick with us. Most importantly GOGO ATR
  11. haha valid questions, but the subscription is a great idea. Smart to implement
  12. good job guys! lets keep on chuggin
  13. good job guys! looks like our name is getting out there and hopefully that means many loyal "fans"
  14. Troy?!?!?!?! this is much more dooable for me only about 2-2.5 hours away from me. Give me a date and I may be able to help out, although I dont have any experience in marketing or IT hah
  15. Flashplate


    I played wow from Vanilla to Cataclysm. Played a little over 4 years, those years were split into 2 years as a Resto Druid and 2 years as an affliction lock. Just wanted to know if those two classes and specs are viable anymore? During my time playing i remember most locks going destro as it was much easier and a lot less timers to watch than affliction and well, resto was always a great healer. These still hold the same or have things changed?
  16. Very nice and happy that we were accepted with open arms and glad that we found such a nice home
  17. kling and havik, oh shit the boys are coming back, hopefully.. nice to see you two!
  18. jans is sick and for a more simple look, the first of mastrics 2nd post.
  19. mm guidelines, me like. Im assuming these could be expanded on a need to basis?
  20. I like the artwork, and thank you for the open arms and the welcoming committee
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