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ATR Seer
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  1. I have a work thing I have to attend in the evening
  2. Hey folks. I will be going on vacation soon and after vacation I have a work conference. Essentially, I won't be on again until at least 10/23.
  3. I will not be in attendance tonight
  4. Sticking with ye ol DK. Will try to be active, but will probably be casual like last XPac
  5. I think my next highest is 897, so I have some work to do there.
  6. What's our minimum iLvl to join? Clearly I am not hacking it on my DK and am considering joining with a different class. What would I need to get that guy to?
  7. We don't have that either....
  8. No, I'm not dead. As many of you know, I bought a new house. As it turns out, I was so excited about a house that I never vetted internet. I has no internet yet. Seems no one supplies internet to my half of the street. The tremors have mostly subsided.....
  9. I would probably prefer to play DK, but I can play any of the following per needs: DK Hunter Warlock Shaman Paladin
  10. Feel free to crack jokes about how I would drag the team down regardless.
  11. What up yo! I'd like to try integrating myself back into the raiding scene. I know that I'm behind the curve though. I'm 708 iLvl. The alt raid doesn't do heroics and the main raid is doing mythics. I don't want to drag the team down. Thoughts?
  12. Yah, Holiday time. I'll totally be down for this after thanksgiving
  13. This still a thing? Cuz I want in.....
  14. I'd like to start doing Challenge modes. My goal is silver, but of course, I wouldn't mind gold. If you're interested. lemme know. I can tank or DPS depending on interest.
  15. I just noticed that 25m is on hiatus. I'm less concerned with heroic. I just figured it would be nice to jump in an assist. I do have the legendary cloak. Got it right before my account lapsed the last time.
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