Dear ATRers,
I want to reactivate my account soon and I want to come back and defeat Garrosh on normal and maybe play around in heroic too. I see by the recent frontpage post that you guys have downed Blackfuse. Congrats! I want to be able to down Garrosh on normal before they take away the achievement. Would there be enough interest in making this a reality? Chartul is at 542 and I have run LFR several times and know the fights (or did, a few months ago).
I would like to get in, crush SoO for a few weeks and then charge into WoD. I'm hoping that, come WoD, I will be able to dedicate at least one day / week raiding again. I've been in my new job, married, and settling into step-daddy-hood. I think I could afford at least one night to nerd out.
Thoughts? I miss my fellow nerds.
Oh, and I need to kill Ordos too!