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Everything posted by Mythosaur

  1. Mythosaur

    I'm done

    whoa whoa whoa, bignipps is boredman 0_0
  2. we had gorilla tits first, you jacked it....
  3. Prydain quit jacking my threads fool
  4. Ladies and Gentlemen good evening, now you've seen that seeing is believing. anyway...... I present to you the OFFICIAL group lineup (as it stands right now) Tanks: Geedub Etaine (still needs to be confirmed) Heals: Wrath Tazingo Troopermedic DPS: Ghostjjr Rebelogic (carry fest much?) Huntinseason Mordechi Darkhunter Alternates: Rupert (only an alt because of his odd ability to only log on if zuggz tells him too, i think he is a gimp tied up in the basement) Chloros (only an alt because of his work schedule) Zuggz (only an alt cause he cant make Tuesdays) That is what I have so far, any comments complaints, grievances, requests for nude pics of geedub, go ahead and throw them in here.
  5. I am compiling a large list of Rogue info, but you would not benefit, so instead, i will tell a joke. What is the difference between you and a Mallard with a cold?
  6. L2 frame composition , btw sorry I have been gone for a while, doing alot of school work right now and havnt had time. working on a new stop motion based film now, but I will be done with that Wend Night, I should be on and playing on Thursday.
  7. just to clear up any confussion, you do NOT pay for boss kills, you donate the gold from the bosses to fund the Guild Bank and repairs. everyone giving the gold from the raid help keeps the repairs coming and allows us to prepare for Cata.
  8. *rimshot* *cymbal crash* also, well said rebel as always, now when are you releasing the spark notes for your rants>?
  9. I can play on my mac great, unless yours is a shit modelvyou should be good. MacBook Pro FTW
  10. Mythosaur

    Aug 24th

    Me and Geedub already told Rebel and Gump. We will not be here tonight, we are Filming a Clark's Concert tonight at school. Going to be a great portfolio opportunity.
  11. Also thank god Shakespeare wasn't Indian
  12. What happens at Gumps, stays at Gumps. Except Herpes, that shit will come back with you.
  13. Don't die Glitter, we can't rez in RL
  14. yay legality
  15. Boredman is in the CIA and he is going of the Grid taking down the evil men who are attempting to disrupt the Buddhist Holy Land. Be safe dude, see you in 2 weeks
  16. Where is everyone on vent?

  17. they already nerfed the sounds
  18. right now in a straight up fight we only have 2 or 3 people who can pull the average or more, we need everyone to go to eliteist jerks and check to make sure their specs/glyphs/gems/rotation as well as everyone needs more gear and we need to get a solid 25.
  19. That would be fucking sweet mastric, let me know how it goes
  20. Final is not in a group. And we are moving NYC to Wili's group most likely.
  21. He was recruited to heal for Wili's team. Unfortunatly Aaylah it is not your choice.
  22. Aaylah and Ryanne are both healers for wili's team, they will mosyt likely be rotated through. Ruff is in geedubs's group to be rotated through
  23. everyone has more than 10 people, need some alts, not everyone can always make it everyweek
  24. Rebel's Team DPS Varekai Yacoub DarkHunter Thallandra Kwicked Negra Heals Unholy Sammee Boredman Tanks Prydain DK ______________________ Wili's Team DPS Bleedin Nailbite NYC Perenelle TPfomabunhol Berms Tirall Honeymoomoo Heals Ruff Bigrigg Bayba Aaylah Tanks Varibash Pio ____________________________________ Geedub's Team DPS Ghostjjl Iaxeyou Fdragon Carjack Exout Ulq Glitterstim Heals Fawady Eveningbark Polished Tanks Overcast Updated: Some changes have occurred. NOTE: NOT EVERYONE HAS A TEAM. WE ARE LOOKING INTO DOING A 4th RUN SET UP SOMETIME AFTER THE NEW YEAR. IF YOU WANT TO BE IN THIS GROUP RIGHT NOW YOU NEED TO WORK ON YOUR GEAR< PUG ICC AND LEARN THE FIGHTS. POST IN HERE IF YOU WANT TO BE PART OF THE RUN!!!
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