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ATR Associate
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Everything posted by Mythosaur

  1. Bad snugg, no more melee.
  2. I will be missing raid for my wedding anniversary.
  3. Raid Times Raid start at 7:30 PM EST/Server time every Wednesday and Thursday This does not mean log on at 7:30, or still in Dalaran at 7:30. It means in raid group, in the raid instance, ready to pull trash by 7:30. Roster The first week players from previous expansion guaranteed a spot in the group, if those players stayed to the end of the last expansion. While we will not be sitting based purely on group comp, we will be trying to keep and eye on it to allow the best possible chance for boss kills. Will try to keep a good rotation of players on and off the bench, everyone who wants to play should be able to. Minimum item level for raid will be 840, if you believe you will not be able to make this by raid, please let an officer know and we will work with you. You should have also completed your class hall campaign and unlocked your third relic slot, again if you feel you will have not completed this, please speak with an officer and we will work with you. We expected everyone to be able to do mechanics, we understand that mistakes happen but recurring issues and failed mechanics will be penalized. Penalties If you are late to raid you will start the night on the bench and your spot will be filled by another raid member. Your rank in the guild, your top level dps, or your role will never guarantee you a raid spot. At no time, without permission, are you able to afk during raid. This includes "downtime" between bosses, trash, during loot, etc. The penalties for being afk; during trash, being back late from break, or other infractions are as follows. First offense: Warning Second offense: 5% EP deduction Third offense: 5% EP deduction and moved to bench As a note: You are able to be benched when the raid is not full, flex allows us to run 10-30 players. While we do not want to have to sit people we will in order to maintain a healthy and productive raid environment. Loot ATR uses an EPGP loot system for our main raid team. All players will start with an EP value of 2000 and a GP value of 100. You will need the EPGPLootmaster addon to be able to bid and receive gear. Addons ATR requires the following addons for raid, installed and at latest version; Deadly Boss Mods https://mods.curse.com/addons/wow/deadly-boss-mods EPGPLootmaster https://mods.curse.com/addons/wow/epgp_lootmaster EPGP https://mods.curse.com/addons/wow/epgp-dkp-reloaded Logs Players will be expected to perform to a minimum standard in the logs. This will not be enacted for the first few weeks. Once reliable logs have been established we will be looking at the percentile in which players are currently ranking. For your class, spec, and item level you will be expected to be in the 40th percentile. This allows raiders to be below average for the spec and item level combined, this is a reasonable expectation and we do not foresee anyone failing to meet this standard. In Raid Behavior We will be monitoring the level on conversation in raid this expansion. We are not trying to stop the fun, or keep from people enjoying themselves. Still, any bullying or overly negative attitudes will not be tolerated. Feedback is welcome, and we fully support constructive criticism, but telling someone they suck and need to "git gud" is not acceptable. Speaking of speaking in raid, we all enjoy the chatter during trash, to an extent, and everyone likes to have a great time. During boss attempts however, talking should be left to raid leaders and those designated for call outs. When we have too many cooks in the kitchen it can cause chaos and ultimately lead to more wipes and more disgruntled players. Repeated infractions can and will lead to the previous listed penalties. Rules are subject to change. Notice will be given when they are. CHANGE LOG September 19th 2016: Added "In Raid Behavior" Section.
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  4. I would like to give @Mannykaiser the benefit of the doubt, however; I agree with @Varibash the warriors name needs to be changed, we ave a very real zero tolerence around here for hate speech. Bash mentioned last night when it was happening, this is something the officers will need to discuss.
  5. I will get you added right now,
  6. Spreadsheet on the front page of this topic is now updated and ready to go! If your item level is wrong it will auto-update as the armory updates, please be patient.
  7. The item level in this sheet is inaccurate, the auto updated one will be put in shortly.
  8. I will add you to the list
  9. Temporary ilvl added to my chart, more permanent one is being fixed as I type. If your ilvl is in brackets you either have not hit 110 yet or your armory is not updated.
  10. Ilvl is unreliable right now as the armory is spotty at best. I will update the sheet but it will be work in progress until Seans code in the raid tracker can be fixed.
  11. Added you to the great big list of everything.
  12. Reminder, if you are not on the list and want to raid let us know here so you can be added.
  13. I will add you to the list fellow DK brethren.
  14. Never tanked with Qwar before.
  15. 3 People I will tank with, Geedub, Tbear and Pio. Welcome back dude.
  16. Please fill out the application: https://www.atrgamers.com/Applications/?do=form
  17. Added you cable
  18. Officially unholy unless major changes between now and launch (unlikely)
  19. 2nd and 3rd best are still good for you two. I will try to not vastly outshine you.
  20. Most likely frost, but due to extreme pruning, may be Unholy. To be honest I will decide when servers go live.
  21. Master class
  22. Listed as TBD, you aren't the only one.still over 2 months to decide.
  23. He is a bird person, ok with playing druid, he is a boomkin now. deal with it hanzo lover!
  24. ill fix it just so you shut up
  25. He should be reappearing tomorrow or Sunday.
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