A "Class Leader" Rank seems to be an idea. Someone who knows their class inside and out that is willing and able to help out the other members of their class. Regardless of spec. Let's get the topic back on course of how to improve the rank and it's implementation and not just reasons why it isn't working.
I agree that, yes, we have progressed much farther then anyone in the guild originally thought we would, and that's due to the leadership direction Heldarram has taken the raid. It has been beneficial. That doesn't mean we have to lose sight of what has kept this guild a driving force on the server. I have seen hundreds of guilds come and go and one of the only thing that remains constant is our guild.
The system as stands is a bit silly, having more then 85% of the raid team "immune" from sitting allowing no time to test trials is.... flawed.
I think we need to enforce the "Boss Wish List" and make sure we swap people in and out accordingly. A Google Doc seems like it would be something worth having to better track who wants what boss, so swapping people will be seemless.
And there are those players in the raid who we simply cannot sit because we NEED their dps to beat enrage timers that we currently barely beat (sha, nourshen, nazgrim, etc etc.)