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ATR Leadership
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Everything posted by Varibash

  1. Running lfr or doing pugging in general makes me really appreciate our raid team, even our worst players are far better then the average lfr raider.
  2. "on progression fights"
  3. worst part is, there's a 15 minute CD before you can collect a phamlet again. You can cheese it by killing yourself(resets the timer), but still takes time.
  4. except for those assholes give you a random phamlet, i've been trying to get the achieve for 3 hours, they keep giving me duplicates
  6. Raid Day Changes: It was voted on and the majority won. New Raid days and times are: Wednesday and Thursday 7:30pm to 11:00pm EST (server time) (pulling by 7:30pm, not showing up) We want you to be the very best, like no one ever was: We have an awesome group of people in this guild, and we have so much potential to be more and better. We have some top world DPS, healers and Qwar, there is no reason why we can't be at least top 3 on the connected servers. I want to put a higher emphasis on pushing each other to be better. The raid is a team, and a team is only as strong as our weakest player, so it's time to make our weakest, stronger then other guilds best. We (the officer core and veteran raiders) will be working with each other to help improve. If someone is struggling with dps, we will help with class research, rotation guilds, UI setup, and what ever it takes to help them improve. Same goes with healing, and tanking. No one is immune from being told they are doing something wrong. Be it dps, or mechanics, I want everyone to support each other and push each other to be the best they can possibly be. I want everyone to know the fights before we go in, no more showing up with no idea whats going on and needing us to hold your hand every step of the way. That being said, I will keep this forum updated with boss fight strat videos from major youtubers for you all to watch and at least get a general idea of what the fight is about. This in no way means I want to push to be more hardcore, I simply want everyone to work with each other to help improve the whole team. Pushing each other to be better does not mean we have to create a hostile environment, everyone must be willing to improve and take advice from others. Lets maintain the fun while being better then everyone else! This extends to officers being more willing to accept advice on how to do a boss strat better. I will be far more open to accept input from the raid team on how something should be done. Doing more outside of scheduled raids: I will personally be leading the charge on this one, and anyone will to step up is welcome to do so. I want to do more outside of raid. Don't get me wrong, raids are a blast and I enjoy our time together every week, but we need to, as a community, out of the main raid. I want to do more like: -PVP (both world and battleground groups and arenas) -Challenge dungeons (everyone should be capable of doing them) -World bosses -Legacy raids for achievements and mounts -group leveling alts -Other Games (GTA Tuesdays, Overwatch[casual and competitive], League of Legends, minecraft, battlefield etc) -we don't have to restrict our time together to a singular game Those are just a few ideas, more are welcome. The idea behind this is if we all enjoy playing together, not just in WoW, but in everything, then we reduce turnover and have to recruit less often.
  7. I want to make sure that all the people who are planning on returning / joining the raid team for Legion, our raiders that stuck it out and raided until we called the raid team in HFC, have priority when it comes to raid slots, we can raid with up to 30 people, but I WILL NOT lets a returning raider take the raid spot of a veteran from HFC. That being said, raid spots are still competitive, the HFC raiders have priority at the start of the xpac, but if they are under performing or not pulling their weight, they will be subject to being sat for progression.
  8. I think ALL our ret pallys rerolled, so if you want to ret, that's fine
  9. Who's this guy?
  10. Wednesday and Thursday 730-11 server time
  11. you and deftonia planning on raiding with us again?
  12. This Tuesday, the hype is real
  13. As far as I am aware, this is still current, nothing has changed with the tanks since the release of this video.
  14. posted
  15. added to our roster, welcome back
  16. Well, I never saw you donating anything toward server costs.... so don't complain.
  17. Since changes to my work schedule will not allow me to continue raid leader for ATR with my current schedule, here is the purposed change to the days for you to vote on. Please tell us honestly what days would work best for you. Majority will rule in deciding what days to raid.
  18. I'll be making a full post with the proposed changes and a poll to vote on the raid day changes within a week. Gonna try and get an officer convo going to solidify the changes this weekend. Then we will let the raiders vote on the changes. Democracy, bitch.
  19. CONGRATZ!!!!
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