Hunter Update: I take back what I said about Marks. While it definitely takes some getting used to, it does end up working out once you get used to it. It's all about abusing patient sniper and how it interacts with sidewinder. You basically always want the target to be vulnerable and pour as many aimed shots into him when you can. You can SOMETIMES go Procced Sidewinder --> Aimed Shot, Aimed Shot, Marked Shot, Aimed Shot, but it will usually end up just being Sidewinders --> Aimed Shot, Marked Shot, Aimed Shot. You throw in a barrage when it's up in place of the aimed shot. It actually eliminates the RNG of getting marked shot debuffs and makes the rotation feel much smoother. What a deceptive talent!
I think that it will do when you can stand still and burn. On movement fights, BM will be better since you won't be spending more than half your time trying to cast aimed shots and needing to move.