We are using EPGP for this raid tier and there will be some adjustment for everyone. First, let's start with the addons you'll need!
EPGP Lootmaster:
This addon is MANDATORY and is what causes the loot popup window and how you actually win items. If you don't have this, you won't get any loot!
EPGP (DKP Reloaded):
This addon is OPTIONAL and just allows you to see your own EP and that of others. Most people won't need this but feel free to download it if you want.
When an item comes up for bid, you will see a popup window similar to what's below:
You pretty much just click the appropriate button for the specific piece of loot. There will be 5 buttons to click:
MainSpec: You click this for an item which is a mainspec UPGRADE, meaning it's a higher iLVL item than what you currently have. Unless specifically granted an exception by the officers, nobody is allowed to roll mainspec for an item of equivalent or lower item level to a piece they already have. We understand that some items are better itemized for your class than others, but our interest is in gearing the whole raid, not just you. Something that is a 15 ilvl upgrade for one person is a bigger raid performance increase than an item that's a 0 ilvl upgrade for another.
Items won via a Main Spec bid cost 100% of their normal GP value
Minor Upgrade: You click this for an item which is an upgrade for your Main Spec, but isn't as big of an upgrade as a main spec item. Any sidegrades, minor upgrades, etc will fall into this category. This is the button you would use to roll on something that's equivalent itemlevel to a piece you already have but with better itemization.
Items won via a Minor Upgrade bid cost 10% of their normal GP value
Offspec: You click this for an item which is an upgrade for your offspec. Only approved offspec players can use this functionality. If you are currently not listed as an approved offspec player and would like to be, talk to the officers.
Items won via an Offspec bid cost 0% of their normal GP value
Trade for Shard: The fourth button is the catch-all for anything else not covered above. If you want an item for transmog use only or for a non-approved offspec, you click this item. All items won via this method will require a shard to be given to the guild bank to keep the flow of epic crystals flowing for those sweet sweet enchants.
Items won via a Trade for Shard bid cost 0% of their normal GP value
Pass: Pretty self-explanatory. All items completely passed on will be DE'd and the shards will be sent to the guild bank for free enchants.
Any questions?