We know how to do Norushen, people were just making individual mistakes. The fight is tuned tightly enough that we couldn't have people dying and people would fail a trial or get meleed by the add or something similar. A little bit more DPS would be helpful but it wasn't a huge issue. Just making it through flawlessly was the demand, it's a tough fight.
@Bash: WoL is helpful but take it with a grain of salt.
For Immerseus, there is a huge period of burst at the beginning followed by nothing, followed by add burst (And sometimes you'd be able to AOE adds, favoring classes with quick AOE, like shammies), followed by burst, etc. Classes with burst potential would do phenomenal here whereas dot classes would do poorly.
For Fallen Protectors, multi-dot classes have a big advantage over classes that can't multi-dot.
For Norushen, the guys who go in to do DPS trials first then tunnel the rest of the fight have a HUGE advantage over the people who go later, so DPS doesn't even matter.
If you want to take a look at valid DPS numbers, take a look at fallen prot but it's still not a perfect representation of everyone's DPS potential and their individual contribution to the raid. Also, remember that not all of our members are equally geared. Some people are missing things like set bonuses, legendary cloaks etc. Compare similarly geared people in the same class or with the same playstyle, not the top dps to the bottom DPS.
I'm all for constructive criticism but remember that data alone without knowing how to analyze it correctly is NOT useful at all.