To summarize...
Ret Pally - Just plain Boring.
Survival - Mash up of multiple classes, nothing really fun though and nothing works well together.
Arms Warrior - Revolves around Colossus Smash and the RNG when you don't get CS is annoying.
All Rogue Specs - All three specs are meh.
Feral Druid - Minor changes from WoD, but all the changes are great.
Fury Warrior - Was much better earlier in alpha. They scaled back a lot of these changes and made it less fun. Still fun, but not as much as it was earlier in testing.
Havoc Demon Hunter - Very well-put together spec. They did a good job. Some of the talents are underwhelming but still very cool.
Enhancement Shammy - A couple of crappy talents, rest is pretty much amazing. Great talent/spec synergy and variety. Everything works well together. Very fun.
Windwalker Monk - Everything you do individually feels great and ties together even better. You feel like a kung-fu master, nailed the style and flavor. Great talents.
Death Knight - #1, master class. Unholy and Frost are both super fun. Everything is skill-based too. A good player will get a good return on these specs. They even managed to make Death and Decay, one of the most boring spells in the game, interesting.
I might end up going with Windwalker, Druid or Fury. Thanks for the link Bash, it was very helpful. Do you know of any video like this, but for tanks?