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Everything posted by Lyntha

  1. It's all about the OP trinkets and Oranges topping meters!
  2. Eh not really. SV is the only spec that's viable whereas you have 3 viable specs. The other 2 hunter specs are OK but you're gimping yourself too much by playing them unless you need a raid buff/debuff in 10man.
  3. Yeah, hunters and locks are pretty close. While not all specs are competitive, you guys beat or match hunters in pretty much every fight. You don't hear use complaining
  4. I did. Read my original post for this thread. I updated that since that's what everyone looks at when they first open the thread.
  5. As I suspected. SV Hunters: Good Job. I am sure that Vert will do more DPS as he gets more accustomed to the fight. Ret Pallies: Great job rebel. Fdragon did great as well and his DPS difference from Rebel comes down to Rebel having better gear. Rogues: Chosi has oranges, Ninja doesn't. Ninja can do a bit more with better Blade Flurry usage but otherwise, great job. Arms Warrior: Nice work axe Locks: Viledead was actually afflic so he pulled 72%. Not bad, but he's gonna try Demo if he's here again tonight. Sefi was Demo and did 80%. Shamans: Read berm's post. You guys did a good job but improvement could be had. Enhance: Zenzae is still having some minor issues. When he does well, he'll blow up meters. Let's see how he does tonight. Spriest: NIce improvement unholy. Take a look at top parses to see what else you could improve upon but good job. Fire Mages: We're slowly seeing improvement but it's not enough. Keep improving. Balance Druid: Same as above. Our only exceptionally weak DPS on that attempt were our fire mages, balance druid and Darkhuntar. Darkhuntar is a hunter without a pet so you can't really blame him for that. He should be doing about 40k without his pet and he's close to being there. Our mages need to keep improving. We handled void a LOT better this time so there's no excuses. We are getting more and more fluid on this fight. Everything is becoming second nature is more repeatable. The only area that we consistently have issues with is the transition after the Red-Yellow-Black phase. Especially if we get the Blue, Green, Purple combo as that combo is VISCIOUS. We are going to save some CD's for the transition but otherwise this comes down to EXECUTION. Show up ready to play and we'll bring the 25 best players and make a serious run at a kill tonight.
  6. Thanks Saz. I made a new thread. This one needs bumped a ton, so GET ON IT GUYS!
  7. I hear that Bash bumps it more than most, and he doesn't even play!
  8. Needs more bump. Can't do this by myself guys!
  9. He seemed to think that other weapons were possibly better. I simmed it out to prove that it wasn't.
  10. Gump: See attached. Picture 1 is your current gear simmed out with scaling calculated for Haste, Mastery and Crit. As you can see, Haste is clearly first with Mastery close behind. Crit is WAAAAY behind and is your worst stat. You can take those scaling values and plug them into Wowreforge to find out the best way to reforge your gear. Picture 2 is what would happen if you go from DTR to deathwing weapon with Dragonfire off-hand. You lose about 4k dps, which is around 10%. Yes, that's not a typo. DTR alone gives you more than 10% of your damage. It's that OP. You're never going to swap it for this entire xpac. The proc straight-up duplicates 10% of your casts, so that makes sense. Edit: According to EJ, Mastery is the weakest stat. Not sure what to make of that, some independent research is probably needed. http://elitistjerks.com/f75/t129638-4_3_3_fire_mage_compendium/#Combat_Ratings I think that Mastery in theory is a strong secondary stat but due to ignite munching and losing dps from playing less-than-perfectly makes crit jump ahead. Crit also greatly smooths out RNG.
  11. Sazda this is great information. I REALLY appreciate you looking through logs to see what each class should be aiming for. Due to gear/strat/add uptime differences, these targets are not exactly set in stone but they're close. My expectation is that everyone in the raid should be doing at least 80% of what #200 is. Most of our classes are good. Our locks, priest and mages need to do better. The mages are the biggest area where we need improvement.
  12. Show up ready for action tonight guys. The goal is to down her tonight. We're starting around 7:30ish and will stack the raid. We are NOT full clearing. We are extending the ID from last week to get in more time. Any time we full clear, we only have an hour max on her and I think that we need the whole night.
  13. I'll be pushing them onto here. Long story short is that we are looking for more people and filling out our raid with whoever we can find. Last night we were missing Taulant, Zenzae and Darkhuntar. Having those three in would have done wonders on that attempt. This is a progression run and we will staff accordingly to ensure that missing three people doesn't kill our heroic attempts. Man, I got the urge to play my mage on LFR/Normal DS just so I can give the mages some help and guidance. Edit: I want to stress that DPS compounds on this fight. If we kill the ooze 10% faster, we get on boss 10% sooner AND do 10% more DPS while on him, meaning that we see a GREATER THAN 10% dps gain. Same thing if we kill black adds faster. Assuming we have 10% more dps, we kill the adds 10% faster, giving us 10% more time on boss. In addition, we have 10% more dps so the boss is receiving more DPS WHILE we're on him. It compounds. We wiped at 17%. Sticking to the boss and not killing ooze would have meant about 20-25 seconds of DPS uptime. Assuming numbers of about 38k average raid dps plus 38k from the tanks combined, we would have been doing about a 2 million DPS every 3 seconds, meaning we would have brought him down about 20M HP. That alone would be just under 10%. The remaining 10% would come from if we got 5% more DPS from our raid. That's not a lot to make up. We're closer than it seems. Edit 2: Not sure if you guys realize it or not, but right now we only 4 regular healers. Deft, Chex, Jlogg and Brynneth (One of each class, nice...). We somehow made it through one of the most challenging fights for healing in the game right now with only 4 regular healers. That is a tremendous accomplishment and our healers should have their feet kissed! Nice work guys, not only to the regular healers, but also to the people who filled in.
  14. Great work on getting to the enrage guys! Damage for our enrage attempt: http://worldoflogs.c...e/?s=580&e=1185 I do that fight without a pet. The pet gives me 3% more damage in addition to actually doing about 5k dps. Unless a class has extremely poor AOE damage, you should be above me on that fight. Instead, 6 people were below me. Some of those were casual fill-ins and this shouldn't be held against them. The other people need to look at ways to improve their DPS. Our mages need to pull more damage on that fight. I had some complaints that during a lot of the mana void phases, the mages were simply oom and couldn't spam their high-mana cost AOE spells because the mana void didn't die fast enough. We'll work on that but the mages have to be prepared with mana gems or something if that happens. Baneraiser and Elhz also need to put out more DPS. You guys need to talk to Sefi for some tips on how to put out more damage. Bane, you're not far off. Elhz is further out. Keep up the great work and the boss will be down soon.
  15. Doing Alt DS10 again today (3/9). Last time we went 8/8. If we have a good group, we might try heroic Morchok.
  16. Haven't you guys seen any hunter solo vids? We dont even NEED the other support classes, we just bring them along so that we don't appear anti-social.
  17. Usually we have 1/2 people dead or the ranged are slacking because they know that it will die in time. As long as we do it right, ALL ranged will switch to it immediately as they can DPS the boss while moving. All melee will switch half-way through and meet it at the edge of the pool of water and help ranged finish it off. There wont be much if any dps downtime and it will die in time. Right now melee are wasting a TON of time running to the add. We might make exceptions for certain classes with excellent movement abilities, like warrior who an heroic leap/charge over there instantly. Most of the melee will stay on it and it'll be fine.
  18. Now that we are more comfortable with the fight, we can also have melee stick on the boss until the goo is about 1/3 the way back. Melee will get to it around the edge of the water and nuke it down. By then, ranged will have all their dots ticking too. This will improve boss dps significantly The only exception being a yellow-black phase because they can dps the black adds while moving. That also allows the black adds to stay bunched up for AOE.
  19. They are not used to playing fire and what practice they do have is with single-target. The guide above shows how to do the fight properly, things like fishing for impact procs, proper combustion timing, etc.
  20. Ladies and Gents: It's become clear that we do not have enough AOE DPS for Yor'Sahj. Some of our classes (Hunters) are doing great AOE because it's easy as sin. Spam multi-shot and do 50k+. With other classes, you may need to respec/reforge etc to get max results. Some helpful tips/videos: Mages: Go fire. This isn't even close to being comparable. A GUIDE to topping meters on this fight: http://www.horsemeng...mponent&print=1 FIRE MAGE POV Video: DK's: Either spec is compettive. If you're unholy, you need to be spreading your dots effectively and you also need to be keeping up DnD and using it wisely. Blood Boil also hits very hard when all of the adds are up. Warrs: Either spec will work but if you're arms, you need to spec into Blood and Thunder and get up those rends before you Bladestorm! Look at Iaxeyou to see how to do it right. Shamans: Our ele's are good but Im not seeing any Fire Nova usage. Is it not worth using? As enhance, you know what to do. Ret: You know what to do Spriest: You're good Rogues: Im reading a lot of posts saying that combat is actually viable for this fight, but you have to tweak positioning to get blade flurry to cleave properly. If you're combat, don't worry about FoKing and just tunnel the boss with BF up. Locks: Sefi did great. The other locks could use improvement. Talk to Sefi for tips/tricks.
  21. You guys notice the weird behavior on heroic? For one there's no minimum range on Yor, we could be right in the middle of his hitbox. Also, when it comes to multi-shot, it seems like I was spamming multi while right in the middle of his hitbox and regardless of how I was facing or whatever, my multi hit all the adds. Hunters rock for that fight, I am glad that Blizzard acknowledged the stacking issue for hunters and made it so that we weren't punished on this fight.
  22. I did indeed ditch you to dps yesterday. Woe is you.
  24. It's also worth mentioning that you have to RS every 4-5 GCD's to keep it up. That's gonna cut out some serious dps and I don't think it's worth the sacrifice. On the other hand, the hunters love to get torn up by Red Buff as even when you're as close as possible, you're still getting hit pretty hard. Maybe it'll be worth using for red phase only because of the specific ramifications on that fight.
  25. That's not really the case. A lot of the problems last night were due to having so many new healers on a fight where the healing is completely different from all the other fights in Dragon Soul. DS, as the last tier, is chock full of AOE healing spam and stacking. While we do this on 2/6 combos, the other 4 are completely different. We had 4 new healers in (Myself, Ulq, Foto, Gray) and were missing the healing officer (Tulli). A lot of the time when we fell behind in DPS, it was because a DPS was dead. The only thing that we were consistently failing on was getting the black adds down, but looking at other videos, we're not far off. Update on healing: We weren't prepared for how much damage bamma was taking by the void bolts. It was hitting him for 110k+, ticking every 2 seconds. That's enough to drop a tank from full to 0 in 2 seconds flat. We are going to do it a bit differently if we try it tonight. Bamma will start with Kalikk taking over at 1 stack. When the third void bolt is about to hit, kalikk will AMS. AMS doesnt prevent the stacks but it will provide a huge chunk of starter damage mitigation. Once AMS wears off, he'll pop Bone Shield + Vamp Blood. The damage reduction + Extra Healing from vamp blood will mean that he'll only be taking 80k void bolts and he'll be taking huge heals to prop him up. Bone shield should last until VB wears off as he wont be taking melee hits as this is when bamma will taunt. This combo will basically be better than IB. You guys will also notice that most attempts were "Dry" as far as CD usage. We needed to get a feel for when we needed to pop CD's. After spending time wiping on reflecting on when we needed CD's the most, we'll be prepared for it this time.
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