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ATR Associate
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Everything posted by Likesitruff

  1. From the album: UI

    some warrior best tank ever 25k concusivle blow!
  2. From the album: UI

    came back from afk to find this
  3. We do need gear but some people have amazing gear and still cant do the dps main thing is knowing the fight and knowing you class mechanics to do as much dps as you possibly can.
  4. Festergut is a very basic fight it is blizzards way to say if you cannot do the dps he will not die and yes it means that. Means there has to be say 6 healers and 2 tanks. That means that we have 17 DPS now with that many dps we have to break 140k raid dps. For example the Pirates beat the enrage timer by i think 15 seconds so means we need to have the most classes to benifit other classes
  5. Well i looked it up and yes he only have 13 million but that is just something that can prove if people can do the dps that we need them to be able to do. Its just a quick check and if people cannot break 7.5k on him they should not be in the raid in my opinion
  6. Now i know alot of us want to go into ICC 25 and down all the new shit. But the main part that we are lacking from being a healer point of view is the DPS. I know alot dont want to admit that but we need to do more DPS maybe have everyone talk to a person on our server that is best in class for example. Cat in rage he helps people all the time. Now my new idea was before we start our raid i know everyone hates the place but we should go into 25man naxx and do just patchwork. This is a straight DPS boss and i feel if we can do that and average 140k raid dps we will be in better positioning and if we cannot break that DPS means please people read more about the class and figure out the key to DPSing. I know myself i read on how to heal and im sure most of us will do that to help progress. Also if you have not noticed we will not enter the new quarter of ICC cause of this problem and we will do ToGC 25 cause this is upgrades we need. So this is my opinon and hope you all find this a lil helpful for a idea. maybe we can get the dedicated people to continue to this area.
  7. Haha u are in every other one lol i picked these cause the other ones were to special
  8. From the album: UI

    My new UI that seems to love Aaylah and puts her beside my name
  9. haha i know eh well i make the ICEHUD off the the side more lol but i will try for more clutter this time ill go get more add ons lol
  10. So you have final's alt in a group when he is not in a group? and yet nyc is put in a group he cannot make?
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