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ATR Seer
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Unholy last won the day on January 15 2018

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About Unholy

  • Birthday 03/05/1982

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  • Interests
    Gaming, Programing

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  1. hey happy.

    so i decided to try the new canals map and was happy to see that ATR had one with players in it.. however you have killer_pinktaco in there making threats towards me on both of his accounts.. second account is  [5280] M3NAC1NG. that guy was removed before for his mouth.


    hope to see you in game sometime

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Akira72


      things are going good.. some are having personal troubles and dont game as much as other.. such is the case with most groups.. thanks by the way for removing him.. he keeps trying to rejoin :D.. hope you and the ATR members have a sfae and happy christmas and new years..

    3. Unholy


      Chatted with M3NAC1NG. Agree'd to be civil, stick with shooting with guns instead of chat. Lifted his ban so long as he behaves. So play nice, let me know if there is any issue. :)

    4. Akira72


      i can play nice :D.. thank you for handling him. sorry for the drama.. i just wanted to play a couple rounds and enjoy myself before another 13hour shift at work.. it is amazing what a ban can do to change someones behavior.

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