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Unholy last won the day on January 15 2018

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About Unholy

  • Birthday 03/05/1982

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    Gaming, Programing

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  1. Dude why did you ban me? I was on your server and also your ts servers few times ago and i was just here to say hello! And your only way to say hello is to ban me?! Thats sad ...  i am just a guy who want to play with you with i sady 110 ms ping to you atm! but say it if you dont wanna play with you!

    Senseless ban.bmp

    Sensless ban.jpg

    1. Unholy


      Person with a high ping joins our TS, outside of North America where it's likely you'll get kicked for ping anyway. Joins a channel with an open mic eating chips or chomping on something.


      Assumed you were yet another troll. We get a very large number of those from Germany.

    2. Obeeer


      just a question! Whats your definition of a highping?! i know that i havent ot a ping like yours! Thats because i live outside of your country! And i have got no kick since i first joinded your TS server and your BF Server and why should you ban me without a legit reason like "Adios" ? Yeah i have eaten chips! Yeah and i dont regret anything because i was hungry af! And now pls tell me why i deserve a ban without a warning or any thing else just because i am a german guy who just wanna say hello and ate some chips! Just asking!

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