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ATR Seer
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Event Comments posted by Unholy

  1. 5 hours ago, CaptShank said:

    Alright, still should be in but I am out of town come the morning. At a Beerfest in Banff but will be coming back sometime Sunday. Hope I'm in some sort of shape to kickass, but in all honesty, I may be off in a corner just knifing a tree. Reaction time of a sloth boys!

    Sounds good stud lol

  2. On 11/7/2015, 10:49:52, The_Real_1hit said:

    Well I'm not traveling (nothing planned anyway) at least until January, so I'm good for the meeting/event for either Sat/Sun.  I was thinking of some kind of possible racing event with ATV's (like the jet ski race) if anyone likes that idea.  I'll try and see what maps look good for it (maybe stick with base maps)

    Would you be willing to plan/run this event? Any details/images you provide I'll append to the Event.

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