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ATR Seer
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Everything posted by Unholy

  1. Was good seeing the co-workers for lunch today. Especially nice to see my work wife Melonie, and also nice that standing with someone who was smoking didn't make me crave a smoke at all.

  2. 5 Weeks Smoke free. Scary to think in that same time frame I would have previously inhaled over a thousand cancer sticks. Not sure how much longer I'll keep doing weekly updates of this. Likes and comments of encouragement have been nice. Thankfully I no longer feel "on edge" or concerned I'm going to go light up. Only a couple things have me a little worried, namely when I eventually have to go back into the office, or the next time in a social drinking situation. Plus side of being part h...

  3. If you haven't watched the new episode of Bones yet tonight... Have tissues standing by at the end. Whyyyyyyyyy!

  4. Too many shows on! Recording Gotham, The Voice and The Big Bang Theory. Ignoring all of them until 8:30 and then commercial free until I go to bed lol. Man... Can you remember life before DVR and the Internet? =X

  5. Gas is $3.02 I'm happy that it is that low, and annoyed that I'm happy about that. lol

  6. Four Weeks :) Still some things that trigger me to want to reach for the pack of smokes that isn't there anymore. But I've been a good boy and haven't given in.

  7. Just finished Season 1 of The Blacklist. Freaking great!

  8. I think I've replaced one addiction with another. Chinese 5 days in a row... Must go get a steak...

  9. Three Weeks completely smoke free. Slipped a bit on the caffeine/diet soda, but I think going from two 2-liters of Diet Pepsi a day, to a liter total over the course of 3 weeks is pretty good lol.

  10. Has it really been 13 years? Wow. Still remember the day, events and emotions vividly.

  11. Ah playing Windows/IIS/Web Admin. On a nice super slow server to boot. Exactly how I wanted to spend my Thursday night.

  12. Two Weeks completely free of cigarettes, diet pop & all caffeine. Why can't I sleep yet! It's the opposite of what I expected. On the plus side, I can smell once again, everything tastes better, I no longer cough up a lung shortly after waking up, no persistent cough during the day, don't need to blow my nose constantly during the day, mouth isn't as dry, more feeling/blood flow to fingers toes. Just in general feel better, even with the sleep issues.

  13. RIP Joan Rivers bad year for Celebs I guess.

  14. Day 9, still doing good. Bunch of crap thrown at me between early morning work calls, flat tire and nose bleeds, but haven't given in, still smoke free.

  15. Flat tire on Labor Day. Fantastic. Don't understand how every 2-3 months I end up with a flat. I barely leave the house as it is.

  16. Today marks 7 days of quitting smoking cold turkey. Not making any promises, going to keep going day by day, but so far doing good and feeling good.

  17. Damnit Sean, Civ 5 for the last 8 hours. =X Time for a nap lol

  18. Monday... Fuck off.

  19. Can I go on vacation again?

  20. So sore. Everywhere. Damn bald spot burned again. Great weekend :)

  21. Almost time for the one event a year that I always look forward to. ATR's 5th Annual Guild party =D

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