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ATR Seer
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Status Updates posted by Unholy

  1. I tried Melonie, but in the end, MicroCenter won...

  2. Come on snow! Nicky wants to stay home tomorrow!

  3. Beef roast in crock pot waiting for me to get home to throw in noodles and make mashed potatoes. mmmm is it time to go home yet? =D

  4. I shouldn't go to MicroCenter

  5. Radio Shack still exists? And they could afford a Super Bowl ad? Wow!

  6. Crap movies downloaded. Check Steak cooking. Check Ready to do anything except watch football. CHECK

  7. New Video card, new headset. Games are like new!

  8. When they have to deploy the national guard after less than 3 inches of snow... Some people need to get a grip on how to drive. Silly southerners.

  9. Dear low tire pressure light. Please just be on because it's cold outside. One month exactly ago (12/27) I just spent nearly $600 bucks to put a new tire on. Must be my car's terrible two's kicking in. =X

  10. Fed Tax Return accepted! Best news this month lol

  11. My quick power nap turned into 10 hours. Crap, there goes getting schedule normalized today.

  12. For the first time since I bought my car (over 2 years ago) I had to open the hood today. Damn salt, made me have to fill up my wiper fluid. And sadly, while I knew what to pull inside the car to make the hood pop, I could not for the life of me figure out how to unlatch it. Every other car has either had a lever to slide to the side or lift up on. Thankfully, a rather butch woman walked by, saw my difficulty and instructed me that the lever for my car was down further than most. Thanks! :)

  13. Oh sleep schedule, I need you to be fixed. Getting a great amount of work done though lol.

  14. I keep trying to alt tab into my desktop, then remember I'm at work, and not on a remote desktop. =\

  15. I don't wanna go to the office tomorrow. I saw my shadow this morning, doesn't that mean 4 more weeks of working from home? :)

  16. Oh Monday, as usual, here too soon.

  17. Ah here's hoping for a calm easy week so I can try and get my schedule back to normal prior to my return to the office.

  18. "Her" is a really good and weird movie.

  19. -.- Was having an ok day until I got David's email. I don't wanna!

  20. If your mom is in the ER. Should your Dad: A: Call you immediately. B: Send you an e-mail that gets labeled as spam... Guess which my dad did. -.- #%&*#$*%(#*$ Waiting on details. Just know dad took her there, extreme pain, not eating. Waiting on cat scan.

  21. Looking at the radar, glad I'm no further north than I am... Good luck my NW Ohio friends.. lol

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