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ATR Seer
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Posts posted by Unholy

  1. On 3/19/2016 at 0:32 AM, phreakpulsar said:

    Once I started playing again 2 weeks ago I played on your guys Canals TDM server all the time. I've been told the server had connectivity issues prior to my rearrival to BF4 hence why the down time most of the time. I noticed today that the server is now 100 ticket TDM on many maps which turned me off by a lot and others that I know that play on there the same. I'm not ranked that high on the server but I think I'm ranked like 126th on the server. 


    I guess suggestions? I'm okay with other maps but maybe Canals, 1 or 2 other maps from the base game, back to canals, then 1 or 2 maps from the base game, etc. Also, 400 tickets was a good size, maybe lower it down to 300 if people don't like the 400. But if it stays populated at 400 then up to 500 or something? Most of the people I play with and myself prefer higher ticket TDM servers since the games last a bit longer and you can rack up a lot of kills, like 70+ in 1 round. Just a few suggestions on it. I love Canals TDM and there's really no Canals TDM servers out there at all that are populated anymore besides 1 and for some reason I have a 200+ ping on a German server where I normally get 40-70. And on all ATR servers I get anywhere between 11 to 48 ping.


    Also, I noticed a lot of ATR guys would come into the server when on Canals and just sit there idle hoping the lobby would fill up but most of the time it ended up emptying out. It really helps if you actually get active and play so that it isn't 2v2 or 3v3 with 4+ ATR guys just populating the server and not even playing. I've seen a lot of people leave because of that reason and I've joined teamspeak to ask you guys why you do that, you guys acknowledged everything I said, like hi and what's up, etc any questions I had asked etc but you always ignored me when I asked why you guys join just to populate and don't play since it turns people off. So I guess, can I get an answer here for that? It does no help whatsoever to keep the server populated. Someone joins, see's it's a 2v2 or 2v3 on a 11+ populated server and leaves. Other people leave as well. I was played a few nights ago with 5 others that were it the server. Literally, me and 5 friends were there having a 3v3 while 4 ATR guys just sat idle not even spawning in to populate the server and 2 of my friends said, "nope, 3v3 is boring, if these guys would play we wouldn't leave". 

    -phreakpulsar (now DaveNationYT)


    Just to follow up, canals is on it now. Hope to see you on!

  2. We've had problems keeping Canals above half populated for weeks. So we changed it over to TDM 400 tickets which has done very well past several days. It was only on 100 tickets for a night while it was set to Official and could not be changed. We may add Canals back, but over the weekend when it should not be difficult to pop, when I had more than just base maps on, it wouldn't go anywhere. If we still manage to fill it up tonight (a Monday) then I'll put canals back in the rotation and see what happens.


    Seeders are a necessary evil. No one joins a server with 0 players. If two people manage to join due to seeing some people in it, even if they are AFK at least there is then a chance they'll stick around and fight each other until more join. Obviously we would prefer active players, we just do not have enough at all hours of the day to make it work 24/7. So we go by a population order, and the seeders help us get things started. So it's a double edged sword. Either no one joins until enough of us are actually home and able to start the server, or we give the server a chance with seeders and have some people quit due to the AFKs. You and your 5 friends would not have joined the server if it was showing 0. But your 5 plus the seeders is going to cause people to join pretty quickly. So if you'd of stuck around for 15 minutes, probably would have had a pretty good match.


    Bottom line is servers do us no good to sit empty or even half full. So we're going to be trying different things to see what works. Seeding has absolutely helped, more so on Conquest than other modes, but is not something we're likely to stop doing. As for the TDM server, we'll see what happens. It had a very good weekend, we'll see what happens during the week and will make map/ticket adjustments accordingly.


    Can't make everyone happy. :)

  3. 16 hours ago, H4mage said:

    You guys have provided very nice servers for the community for a long time now. Great games every time I join one - thanks !


    Thank you for the kind words. Stop by our Teamspeak sometime if you haven't already and say hello.

  4. 2 hours ago, Phobia said:

    Most donations come in at the end of the month, you worry too much.


    Far beyond just donations, and the many get propped up by a few generous people. When you monitor the servers constantly, who's on, who's not, what's popping, what's not, when it's popping and when it's not. It's clear changes need made. Reducing from 8 to 5 has already shown to have been a good decision. Already having more fun, seeing servers fuller earlier, and the hope is due to servers being more full, we'll have more people sign on for VIP and we won't need to be rescued at the end of a month.


    Worrying is my job. =D

  5. @clutchking02,


    We appreciate the application, however our group has a minimum age requirement of 18 to join the group. We occasionally make exceptions for individuals that are at least close to 18, but as a 13 year old you are far too young. Our Teamspeak also has a age requirement of being at least 16, so be aware if someone complains you'll probably be booted off of it.


    So I have to deny your application for membership. You are more than welcome to continue playing on our servers though.

  6. We are implementing some changes due to the past months performance on server population and donations. Up through January both have been steady and within our operating costs. This month has shown a massive drop of people on  TeamSpeak, helping populate, seeding and in donations. Present costs are roughly $600/month, for February we are standing at just $255 in donations which is our worse month ever. We did have some surplus last month and enough in the bank to get us by an additional month as a last resort.


    So looking at reasons as to why this may be, many indications are people are tired of popping, too many servers. Will have a great night, and then the next night if we're off to a slow start, people disappear fast.


    As a result we've decided to go from 8 servers to 5 servers, cutting 140+ slots. (We had 5 conquest, we cut 3 and now have 2 conquest plus 3 other modes) This doesn't do much to our operating costs (saves $50), but it does reduce the work our players have to do. The intention here is to allow us to get the servers popped more quickly, and allow us to get back to having fun. The additional benefit of this is we have increased the tickrate on all the servers, so that they are at least 40hz, and two of them are 60hz improving game play.


    Last but not least the hope is with the servers getting popped sooner, more people will want to chip in for VIP or sponsor servers to get us back up and over the minimum operating costs, which those overages come back to you all in the form of prizes.


    We are exploring other areas where we can reduce costs, primarily with our admin system but the bottom line is we need to see improvement on support in March if we're to continue offering the Battlefield, ARK, Minecraft, CS:GO and other servers/services we provide. 

    So to those who contribute, thank you for your support. To those who don't, we can use your help.


    To be clear we aren't threatening to shut everything down over one poor month. This group has been going strong for over 6 years, and the Battlefield group has been amazing since becoming part of ATR in May. Regardless of donations there will always be a place for us to gather and be silly. Lets come together and end this month strong, make March awesome and be sure to be on for the meeting and C4 event on Sunday the 28th!



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