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ATR Seer
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Status Updates posted by Unholy

  1. Apparently I need to leave my cave more often. Checking something on my phone, hadn't looked at weather, leaving my apartment building, shorts, flip flops, short sleeve shirt. Who said it was time for heavy snow and wind?! Did that stop me from getting a taco? No, no it did not. Your move Snow!

  2. Not even 6:30 and I already want people to die. Happy Monday!

  3. Congratulations to our URock Gamers / SSi Clan, who before 6PM today already had all 20 of our Battlefield 4 servers maxed out, over 1035 players online! Great job!

  4. Dracula Dead and Loving It! Have to watch it when I see it on lol.

  5. Gah why am I still awake? Glad I'm off until the 1st lol

  6. Just have a smile on my face today :) Great mini vacation so far. Next up, the Gumps! Bryan, Jess, will be there in a couple hours.

  7. Not much here... lol

  8. Hitting the road. Yay *It had it coming.

  9. Excited to hit the road in the morning for a whirlwind NY molesting tour. Starting with Sean and Crystal, ending with Jess and Bryan. :)

  10. Is it the weekend yet?

  11. I like it when my boss David calls me. Mainly because he pops up on my phone shirtless =D

  12. Ah breakfast for dinner. Cook my bacon, eggs and potatoes, cook!

  13. I really need to finish the program that gives me ESP, since clearly that is what is expected.

  14. I will be very pissy if a select few individuals not being able to manage priorities/distractions while working from home causes me to be dragged back into the office prematurely.

  15. Experimented for lunch. Was oh so good. Will need a nap at 5 lol

  16. Why am I here...

  17. Rain rain go away. Not that it matters now, back from the store, feel like I took a second shower walking to and from car.

  18. Just realized Gwen from Torchwood is the same Gwenith the house maid from Dickens time in Dr Who Season 1 Ep 3

  19. I've got a case of the Mondays.

  20. I fail at Linux. So any Linux people out there answer this, probably simple, question for me. Running CentOS 6.x have 6 versions of a program that need to stay running. If they crash, need them to auto-magically start back up. Located in: /home/procon/veteran /home/procon/hatred /home/procon/ultimate /home/procon/extreme /home/procon/bloody /home/procon/hardcore In each of those folders I am running: mono-service2 -l:./proconname.lock PRoCon.Service.exe Where proconname.lock is proconveter...

  21. It's always nice going down a list of projects and checking things off. Even if it is at 3 in the morning because you can't sleep and nothing better to do than work.

  22. Agents of Shield coming Sept 24th. Almost forgot about it!

  23. I think everyone has been saving up issues for weeks and just decided to report them today. ffs

  24. Clearly been using TeamSpeak and push to talk way to often. On a conference call for work, and just noticed I'm pressing my push to talk key while talking on the cell... lol

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