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ATR Seer
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Posts posted by Unholy

  1. 27 minutes ago, kenwood720 said:

    @HappyUnholy  I have been seeding for the last 2 months.  Do I not have enough time seeding to be listed?

    To determine if someone is actively seeding or not, the query checks for people seeding between at least noon and 7PM EST. With multiple joins between those hours.

    I only listed those that seeded at least half the month. Database shows you only actively seeded for 8 days.

  2. Thank you to everyone who took the time to seed! Below is the list of individuals who seeded for at least half the month. First number represents the number of days seeding, second number is the number of joins to weed out those that were just playing not seeding.

    HappyGotLucky    31    587
    ATR-Axiom    30    435
    MastricX    29    298
    ATR-Paradox    28    373
    Janzstone    26    447
    COLMAC        25    306
    Black_Iaw    24    358
    RoomBroom2010    22    286
    havik2k        21    395
    skuIIs        21    200
    asmith19323    21    419
    sillouette23502    20    311
    OONicc        19    270
    Chuck_Mawhinn3y    17    195


    Myself, ATR-Axiom, MastricX, ATR-Paradox and Roombroom2010 are removed from the drawing, I control all those accounts and ensure they are seeding each day. If I can manage 5 seeders, surely more can handle just one ;)

    We will be drawing two names this month, each winner will receive $30.


    Drawing to be fair is held with Random.org results of the drawing can be found here.


    Congratulations @COLMAC and @Janzstone Please message me with your paypal e-mail so I can send  your prizes!


    Thank you again to all that seed!

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  3. 1 hour ago, Mythosaur said:

    Girl Scout cookies are available online this year. I think we can get the my mid March at the latest.

    Holy crap, first thing in this thread I've actually cared about. Sign me up! What are the ones with coconut and chocolate and caramel? Totes my fav.

  4. James honey, at the end of the day the point is this. Our servers, we pay for them, we can run them how we see fit. You clearly can't handle a very simple rule, so just move on. You'll quickly find that life in the real world is a little different than things in the Wright State dorm.

  5. Should have just taken the 3 hour temp ban, which you'd gotten many times before, and lived with it. But since you brought yourself to our attention, you can now find another groups servers to be a grown up on.

  6. The additional 64 player server we purchased for Dragon Valley, that we ended up making a Conquest Large Fast Vehicle Respawn server ends on 1/14.


    Rough to pop on weekdays, Q the past two nights on weekends. Doing better since made an all maps like our other 64P Conquest Large server.

    Do we want to let it expire on the 14th or renew it for another month? Cost is $100 since it's a standalone (don't have room for it on the dedicated).

    Thoughts? My only hesitation is we barely made minimum donation levels last month, to add another hundred probably not the best idea unless there is a sponsor.

  7. Hello Gamers! Wanted to take a moment and wish everyone a Happy New Years and to say thank you for being apart of ATR Gamers. We've seen our membership grow greatly this year with the addition of our Battlefield 4 group to our ranks. Faster servers, more games being offered, more events and prizes. Big thank you to those that have donated their time and/or money to help make this group a success.

    As some of you know we make great effort at trying to be as transparent as possible with what money is coming in and going out, from who and where to. As part of that we wanted to take the extra step of actually becoming a registered organization and becoming exempt from federal income tax.

    I'm proud to announce that I received notice from the Internal Revenue Service today that our application and paperwork was accepted and we are now a registered 501 (c) (7) organization, technically a "Social Club" https://www.irs.gov/Charities-&-Non-Profits/Other-Non-Profits/Social-Clubs. No, your donations are not tax deductible lol. But it is a big step for our group, makes us more legitimate and will help us with our future endeavors. For example it will make us stand out a lot more while seeking sponsors for our upcoming LAN event.  

    It should also make all of you more comfortable, knowing we are putting the work in, we are here to stay and any donation is for ATR Gamers only, and not going to pay for a family vacation.

    Anyway, just wanted to share as I thought this was some exciting news. Thank you again everyone and I'm sure this year will be even bigger for us!


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