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ATR Seer
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Everything posted by Unholy

  1. Ah chicken & green bean casserole always smells so good cooking in the oven.

  2. So full... and it's warm and raining outside. Can I put a cot up by my desk? =D

  3. Gooooood morning! So looking forward to work today! *April Fools*

  4. Looking forward to the 30

  5. That awkward moment when the str8 drunk guy starts acting like a big ole girl. Buck up dude, we both know why I came over, lets get it done. Stop trying to have small talk, and for fuck sake we don't "hug it out" afterwards. Come on! *facepalm*

  6. Go home mother nature, you're drunk.

  7. Noooooooooooooo my big ass electric wok has finally kicked the bucket. RIP you gave me 10 years of your life.

  8. Man I was going to make Chicken/Green bean casserole tonight. But Melonie kind of talked me into Popeye's Chicken and Red Beans and rice... Jealous Marilou? =)

  9. lalalalala is it Friday?

  10. Is it time for bed yet?

  11. I keep thinking it is Sunday. Very annoying lol

  12. Cabbage Rolls tonight. Tomorrow be thankful majority in the office don't show up until my shift is halfway through. :)

  13. Allllmost Friday.. lol

  14. Pro: Pants fit better Con: Death... Should have known better than to try different Chinese place.

  15. Wait, Ninja is back?!
  16. Sooo tired. Just want to go take a nap. But noooo I get to go have my eyes poked at for yearly checkup.

  17. Not to jinx it, but this might be our first week in a while without snow.. lol

  18. Yay home. Bedtime lol

  19. Mmmm Dunkin' Donuts was a good call this morning.

  20. Ah Chili Cheese Burritos, great Breakfast =D

  21. Mmmm love the smell of 5 pounds of beef for Chinese food simmering. =D

  22. Why couldn't my fridge had died yesterday before I just refilled it and the freezer with food? Evil!

  23. Man i'm gassy today and all I've had is Oatmeal.

  24. Damn, still not Friday.

  25. Thank you everyone for the many happy birthday wishes!

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