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ATR Seer
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Status Updates posted by Unholy

  1. Ah the smell of eggs, bacon, potatoes and onion frying. Now if only it weren't Monday.

  2. Response I got from message sent back in May, only took 4 months... lol JOYCE BEATTY THIRD DISTRICT, OHIO Congress of the United States // House of Representatives // Washington, DC 20515 September 3, 2013 Mr. Nickolas Smith ############# Columbus, OH 43229-6222 Dear Mr. Smith: Thank you for contacting me to share your concerns about the backlog in processing disability claims the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). I appreciate your opinion on this issue in and am pleased to have the...

  3. Dear god. Finally went to bed at a normal time last night, and just woke up discovering a still alive spider I apparently chomped in my sleep still half in my mouth. So much for getting my beauty sleep, cause chances are zero I'm falling back asleep right now lol. #Mouthwash #GAHHH #Shower #EWWW #Coffee

  4. Why the hell am I awake

  5. Off to Findlay for fam cookout. Back this evening.

  6. It's so nice when an application just works out the door the first time. Especially when it means soon I can stop waking up at 4:30 to do some things manually every single day.

  7. Working From Home Pro: Got to make homemade Tacos that were fabulous. Con: Ate waaaaaaaaaaay too many, feel as though I may give birth at any moment.

  8. Is it too soon to start wanting it to be Friday? =D

  9. If any of you out there like playing MineCraft we have a server up and running. Just connect to atremains.com Mix of some playing creative, some doing survival.

  10. Any C# developers in the Columbus area looking for work?

  11. Well I suppose if anything, the plus side of being wide awake still is I've already got 4 hours work in today lols.

  12. Never watched an episode of Breaking Bad before. I have now... Hooked.

  13. Ah Monday... My return from "two weeks" vacation. Where more than half was spent logged in. Oh well, means I get to take more time off later this year I suppose. I foresee more trips to NY, DE and MA.

  14. My "Avaya Sucks" e-mail with directions I sent out last year saves me once again... lol

  15. Have a bad feeling about tomorrow morning. Betting it's going to be rough considering lack of updates.

  16. So glad I'm WFH. Right now with this sunburn kinda feel like I have the plague. Leprosy, something. lol

  17. Home safe and sound. Save for sunburn. My god does my scalp and forehead hurtttt

  18. Great weekend. Wrapping up. Hundreds of photos and some fab videos later!

  19. Face ears and bald spot very warm... Damn sun lol

  20. So nice out here! Long as my tent holds against the wind should be good. Go Go duct tape!

  21. 4 Hours before heading to the airport to pick up buddy. Way too much to do before then.

  22. Holy crap my closets have floors! I haven't seen them since I moved in.

  23. TGIF! "Vacation" starts tomorrow. Why do I feel like I'm going to be working harder than normal? Saturday - Off to Findlay for Mom face time, laundry and kidnapping giant cooler. Sunday - Some work items, clean kitchen/bathroom. Monday - Payroll for Work, clean bedroom/living room, shampoo Carpets Tuesday - Picking up 40lbs of meat, loading car with beer. Wednesday/Thursday - James from Airport, finish getting ready Friday - NY Yahooooo can finally relax and be silly!

  24. Been going through and throwing away things I haven't used or seen for years. CD's I burned between 1995-2000 lol part of me wants to keep them. Tons of unlabeled. Which is scary. No matter what though, if I find a wire, even if I have no use for it, I keep it. "Just in case".

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