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ATR Seer
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Posts posted by Unholy

  1. As a side note, our Financial pages will be updated year end. Monthly budget isn't too far off from what it currently shows, but is less than actual.

  2. The end of the month is here and we're about a hundred short on donations for the month. As a reminder to maintain what we have normally is right around $600 each month, this month was $700 as a result of the additional 64P server. We currently stand at $520 in donations for the month.

    We'll be dropping the 2nd 64P server when it's month is over, it was brought up for additional traffic expected from Dragon Valley. This will return us to our normal 8 servers and 400 slots.

    We understand money being tighter around the holidays, and don't have any big concerns at the moment. This is why we have some cushion in the bank to absorb a bad month. On the plus side with how successful our Canals server has been, we have more new people donating than prior months to get VIP status.

    Big thank you for everyone who has chipped in this year to make us a success.  We'll see how January goes and do some trimming then if necessary.


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  3. I had you hard coded as a seeder, and forgot to turn off the balance server seeders add on that immediately balances anyone on that list. Usually use it in the early morning/afternoon hours when you aren't on. In the Christmas hoopla it slipped my mind. Sorry.

  4. At long last the latest DLC will be available to download in just a few short hours (7-8AM EST) containing the new Dragon Valley 2015 map. This map has a HUGE Conquest Large map which will be fun, in fact we've purchased a separate 64 Player server just to run this beast at 40Hz.

    This map also includes CANALS! So we have brought two 48 player Canals servers online. So far we're the only group with servers up. There was less than 12 hours notice of the release of the update. So hopefully that bodes well for us.

    All three servers are online now, as always find them by searching for ATRGamers.

    Patch notes for this latest Holiday Patch can be found here. https://eaassets-a.akamaihd.net/dice-commerce/battlefield4/assets/patch_notes/Patchnotes_HolidayPatch.pdf




    Dragon Valley 2015 is huge vehicle focused map with eight capture points in Conquest, making it one of the biggest maps in Battlefield 4. The battle of Dragon Valley takes place in an idyllic valley where ancient legends tell of a yellow dragon that helped a king channel flood waters into the sea.



    This updated version of Dragon Valley includes use of more foliage, fitting terrain, increased elevation with higher peaks, cloud layers, and destructible buildings. Use tactical destruction to cut off attack lines by destroying bridges, or repair them to your advantage.



    For infantry players, the Team Death Match game mode includes a dockyard area in the north point of Dragon Valley 2015 that been redesigned with inspiration from the Battlefield 3™ fan-favorite map, Noshahr Canals, to offer intense close-quarter combat.

    • Like 2
  5. Congratulations to @asmith19323 and @blacklaw who are this months winners of an easy $30 each just for having their computer work while they aren't home!

    Drawing results are public and available here: https://www.random.org/draws/details/?draw=34334

    Mr Smith & Black, unless you are donating your winnings back to the group, please send me a message with your paypal e-mail and I'll get that out to you asap!

    As always, below are the stats for seeders who seeded for at least half the month. Player, # of days seeding, # of joins to the servers.

    HappyGotLucky    29    412
    sillouette23502    26    254
    MastricX    26    298
    Janzstone    24    241
    RoomBroom2010    24    168
    Black_Iaw    23    280
    ATR-Axiom    22    153
    asmith19323    20    252
    COLMAC    19    183
    skuIIs    17    182
    CaptShank    15    184
    havik2k    15    246


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  6. 6 hours ago, VnAbn said:

    To Admin---I gave money this month. So why was I just kicked from 1st in line to 3rd in line?

    I've gone ahead and entered your battlelog account on your Forum profile for you. You now show up as a VIP.

  7. System checks your ping 20 times to determine an average ping. I'll see about adding a warning, however if this consistently happens to you then I'm not sure what a warning is going to do for you. If you're doing something on your end to raise your ping, and are looking for a warning to stop doing that before you get kicked.. yeah.. stop doing whatever is raising your ping.

  8. Hello Everyone!

    I know there are multiple games out and coming out, but please make an effort to get on TeamSpeak and be social. I'd prefer people on and showing our numbers, even if you are not in BF4 at the time. We understand you want to check out new games, and there is no rule against that. However it is hard to recruit anyone when it's just Jarvis and I sitting on in TS!

    So get your butts on, say hello, chill. We aren't forcing you to quit playing other games to play BF, we just want our members on TeamSpeak. It is nice to see TS full on Friday/Saturday night, but we need to see some effort to get people in during the week as well!


    Your Help is greatly appreciated.


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  9. We typically don't allow members under the age of 18. Though we do sometimes make exceptions. So far you've carried yourself well in TS, which is good because we also normally kick from TS for under 16.

    Declining application for now. But, keep sticking around and helping us pop. If no issues arise then an exception may be made.

  10. On 11/11/2015, 4:09:55, Karma said:

    Just wanted to say HI to everyone!

    We are looking forward to populating your servers, specially Lockers!

    Hope ECHO will find a fun home here with no drama. :D

    Hey @Karma

    Good to see you guys around. You are more than welcome to hang out here. Need all the help we can get. Rough week for us thanks to multiple game/expac releases lol. Hopefully this weekend we recover and get all the servers loaded out. Lockers did really well first few nights it was up.

    And fingers crossed that Battlefront next week is a flop haha


  11. Just wanted to take a moment and give a shout out to all my friends, family and community members that are in or have been in the military. 

    So few serve and have sacrificed so much so that so many can have the lives we enjoy today. At the very least today is a celebration to honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.

    Take a moment and give thanks to someone today.

    Many Mouth Hugs,

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