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ATR Seer
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Status Updates posted by Unholy

  1. Yeah this just happened. Thought I would take a quick trip to Walmart on Bethel Road at 11pm. Normally quiet, no one around. Mostly white and Indian folks shop there. Was done by 11:30 and loading the car up. Some squealing tires, yelling in a language I couldn't understand. Basically just ignoring it. Go to get in my car and look over at these people yelling. Some scrawny ass middle eastern guy pulled his car behind this lady who had kids in the car blocking her in, she was out of her car...

  2. Blah can't sleep. Shouldn't have logged into work. Now I feel compelled to continue on this project.

  3. Holy crap it's after 5 already

  4. I should never shop at Carfagna's while hungry. Twas a bad idea. Though my stomach will both hate and love me the next couple days.

  5. I need to go to the store. But it's wet outside. I might melt.

  6. Don't make fun of me. But just realized I can enable multi-monitor on windows remote desktop. lols

  7. Got my desk at work pretty well packed up... and Q thunder/rain. Booo!

  8. Damn you Fedex. Package was in Grove City last night, in Dublin this morning. But instead of just delivering it, it's at "Local US Postal Facility - Please allow 1-2 days delivery". What's up with that? lol

  9. 90s all week. Yuck, make it Friday already.

  10. Ah sleep... Maybe I should start drinking? lol

  11. Doing a large vat of cabbage rolls tonight. I apologize to those involved in the interview tomorrow. *We are interviewing someone, not me interviewing somewhere else. Don't panic.

  12. Not being able to sleep is annoying. Especially because I always tend to log into work. Sure enough after working on code and running numbers for four hours now I think I am ready for a nap.

  13. Picking up a bottle of Liquor and heading to WV for the evening.

  14. uhg for some stupid reason I stayed up until 5:30AM playing SimCity. All because Heather apparently invited me to a region ages ago and I just re-installed the game. 200k people, great works started. Not bad I think.

  15. Thank you Syfy for having wrestling, History for aliens and ghosts. Looking forward to documentaries starting on Comedy Central.

  16. Dear boss: If I send you a bitchy e-mail at 3 in the morning asking you to tell another group how to do their job, you are supposed to clean it up and convey the message to them. Not forward my e-mail to them saying this is the protocol. ffs

  17. Sigh one of the more depressing calls with mom I've had in a while. Love my grandfather but he definitely needs help. Hopefully family does what is right and stand their ground tomorrow before it's too late.

  18. Blah Monday. Sick computer, 2 doc appointments to get prodded and too much to do. Weeee.

  19. Best free method to drive copy and have it be bootable?

  20. Drive unmountable. Sigh was hoping for a quiet Sunday.

  21. Bored, someone fix it

  22. Officially full of sausage. =D

  23. Two cookouts and fireworks later. Should be a good day. Off to my Brothers for #1

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