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Posts posted by Unholy

  1. Congratulations to @sillouette23502 and @blacklaw! Each will be receiving a $30 cash prize for their help in populating the servers.


    Below numbers indicate the player and the number of days during the month where they seeded between noon and 5PM at least. The second number indicates number of joins, so you can tell they didn't just join once to be included.


    HappyGotLucky    31    360
    sillouette23502     25    187
    Black_Iaw           25    258
    MastricX             24    242
    asmith19323        23    261
    COLMAC             22    232
    havik2k              21    241
    Janzstone           19    200
    skuIIs                18    149
    CaptShank          17    141
    Chuck_Mawhinn3y    16    154
    RoomBroom2010  16    153

  2. Good News! New Community Operations map (Operation Outbreak) is coming out on Tuesday! Like Night Ops it will be a separate DLC you have to "purchase" from Origin. It is a FREE DLC, so if you have Battlefield 4, get it! We'll be changing our BF3 Maps and Domination servers over to the new map as soon as it is live tomorrow morning. So we'll have a 32 Player Conquest Small and a 48 Player Conquest Large running the Operation Outbreak map.

    Looks like the DLC won't be available for download until 8AM EST. Took the day off, I know I'll be on! Hope to see everyone on tomorrow at some point!





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  3. First day no members available in morning/afternoon to keep pubs engaged to stick around.


    Zero servers populated, 2PM.


    Need to do whatever we can to recruit people who are available earlier in the day. Every member needs to be doing this, talk to people in servers, get them on TeamSpeak, get them registered on Forums!

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  4. First day all ranked! Can't complain too much. We expected a slow start, and we had one. But the formerly official Conquest server still filled up before noon, stayed full all day and night with a Q, crashed, and refilled in less than 5 minutes. Which is fantastic.


    Broke 330 players, filled all but one server. Still some work to be done. Glad to see some people in TeamSpeak tonight, some good conversations. Wish we could get that every night and earlier in the day.


    All and all good job people :) Lets make it a great weekend!




  5. Fair enough.

    Thanks for getting back so quickly and explaining the situation.

    I'll make sure to populate the ranked servers from now on.


    Thanks again.



    As of today, all our servers are ranked. Once a server is half full, you should never see anyone above 160 to 180 for very long.

  6. You have a aimbotter on your server by the name of coolkidd969.  He's been reported for 3 days in a row and you guys haven't done anything about it.  Feel free to use your admin rights and maybe police your servers.  Someone on the server mentioned they recorded gameplay of it.  


    Starting tomorrow (Friday) morning, all our servers will be ranked and anyone hacking will be promptly banned. We are done with official servers, and will no longer be restricted from removing someone being detrimental to our servers.


    So, hopefully you come back and check us out.

  7. Yeah besides our Conquest 64 I don't plan on having any additional 64 player ones unless a demand for it starts.


    Primary reason for 48 is it seems to be a happy number between 32 and 64 that gives us more stability. If 16 people drop from a 48 player server when a round ends, that server is far less likely to die because it's still got 32 players in it. And yes of course people like a clusterfuck more often than not lol.

  8. Very cool. Is there a way to seed without using my normal account, or do you have to own a copy of the game (thus needing a second account) to do it?


    You have to own a copy of the game. So you either need to seed with your normal account or buy another copy.

  9. Ok, pending any big disagreement from the two council members who haven't responded already, this is what is happening starting tomorrow morning.


    Mixed Mode 32 Player (Official) will be going away. It's not expected that we can adequately ever have this server as Ranked and it pop properly. 


    Conquest 32 Player (Official) will be moving to Ranked. We actually already did this today, and it's already full.

    With 16 slots from Mixed Mode coming to this, it will become Conquest 48 Player Ranked.


    TDM 32 Player (Official) will be moving to ranked.

    With 16 slots from Mixed Mode coming to this, it will become TDM 48 Player Ranked.


    Both those servers will remain Base Maps, and this will mean we will have four ranked 48 player servers. Two Conquest, Two TDM each having a Base Maps and All Maps version. Many of our new members have come in not having premium, and ended up buying premium as a result of meeting us and playing with us. So we think it's important to keep each variety.


    So the end result is we're going to have 8 servers instead of 9. We will have the same maximum player count as before though. 384 Max Players. As they are currently all will remain High Tickrate at either 40 or 60 Hz. 6-48 Player servers, 1-32 Player server and 1 64-Player server.


    We may increase ticket counts on the new larger servers. TDM in particular I know other servers that go 400 tickets all maps have done well. 


    Far too many complaints of hackers/bigots in our official servers, going ranked on the remaining 2 officials means we'll finally have control over every server. Also we have been around 5 months now, we can succeed without the quick play traffic. With the StarWars beta being over, weather getting colder, having one less server to pop, I think we can kick butt. This weekend will be the first test, so I hope to see as many of you on as possible.




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