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Posts posted by Unholy

  1. @SEMO before we can do anything with your application, please update your forum profile to include your BF4 player name.

    Also please jump in our TS and get to know us. TeamSpeak address is the same as the website. atrgamers.com

  2. Just a quick congratulations to our Battlefield Group on breaking 300 players for the first time tonight!

    Great effort by our members and a quick poll of our Hardcore players getting mixed mode hardcore popped fast!

    Also first time every BF4 server has been filled.

    Know there are some changes going on. But we're going to continue to kick some ass!


  3. NFO Alerted us to the following, hopefully it leads to fewer crashes:

    Between 2:30am and 4:30am CDT on Thursday, August 27, we will be cutting back over to our newer router in Chicago, following hardware and software upgrades that are likely to have resolved the problem that it had which caused crashes. This adjustment will lead to a few minutes of connectivity loss for your service.

    We will be carefully monitoring for problems following the switch. If the new router crashes again, we will immediately change back to the backup router, and then follow it up by entirely replacing the new router in October.

  4. Thanks for the member application and the donation @kenwood720

    Continue to hang out in TS so we can get to know you better and I expect this application to be approved soon. Be sure to put your TS Identification key in your forum profile to get your TS icons/permissions.

    • Like 1
  5. You can look at my stats and know I'm not a hacker, I'm a less than average joe at this game and have no games with 48 or something crazy kd. I don't use ts and don't even have this servers ts info but you will just have to trust me on that or check if I ever joined. Either way, tell me what i need to do to show I'm not a hacker and I can't get back on atr servers.

    You are not passing a valid IP to the server. You are showing up with IP which is an internal IP, not an internet IP. Why is that? Correct that and you won't have any issue.

    If your IP is showing correctly now, go ahead and try connecting again.

    • Like 1
  6. We've (I) made all requested changes. It's going to come down to math. Double XP, only 1,200 players on hardline right now, and on a Saturday night for that matter. Take into consideration how many servers there already are, how established they are, and how many want to play that exact map/mode/24/7. I will be very shocked to see either BFH server actually take off.

    I'm all for trying though.

  7. Who's going to be available tonight and this weekend to help push the hardline servers? Muggins pointed out is Double Xp this weekend on them. And I found that adaptive server size does work on Hardline still.

    Bounty Hunter is on official and I did get it working so quick play, if any exists, will go to it.

    The "Block Party" server, if we still have issues getting it going. I'd suggest do what worked for us on BF4, make it CQ Small, Official, and see what happens.

    • Like 1
  8. i should be around more once my work schedule clears up working 2 jobs and i work 7 days this week so ill be on when i can

    Understood. Life always comes first lol.

    Thanks for letting us know!

  9. CCM hasn't been on TeamSpeak since this post was created. Not ready to approve or decline application until he shows whether he'll actually be a member or fly by night.

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