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ATR Seer
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Everything posted by Unholy

  1. Is this the first issue that has come up with Manny or has his "cousin" caused problems in the past as well?
  2. Must of been one hell of a fap session. Hope you got it on video!
  3. I got lost after the "friends" part. You have those??? <3 Did my first Mythic last night with Gump, Jess, Pio and Nerita. Was fun Got a couple good pieces too. Looking forward to running more with ya'll!
  4. Update mine to reflect i'm over 820, need Mythic runs.
  5. I'm interested in raiding. Shadow Priest
  6. Unholy


    Yup. For now TS. Discord is getting there, but not quite cooked enough.
  7. Unholy


    Cost for TS is only $5/month. Discord is free. So cost not a real reason for either.
  8. Unholy


    So BF people. What do you think? Preferences? I'd ask the wow people, but given the opportunity they'd go back to Ventrillo =D (that and they just haven't even bothered to join except when TS went down for some) As for me no strong preference. Just want to use what the community at large is using or moving to. I like the chat and additional interaction that occurs on Discord, even if not in the same channel. Some fun things with bots and music. At the same time know there is some loyalty to TS. And just a reminder this was only a test, so don't feel pressured to say yes to one or the other. So lets hear it. @skulls @RoomBroom2010 @asmith19323 @The_Real_1hit @blacklaw @camley @CaptShank @clutchking02 @COLMAC @DropShotz007 @Janzstone @Negociator95 @OONicc @phxman @scarybloodlust @sniper12371 @MooseLoops @xNoiisy @Kane┌( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’ @kenwood720 @ADrunkRedneckk @TheTrollJesus
  9. Unholy


    CRT monitors worked, should we still be using them? No. The point of trying something out is to see if it suits us as a community better. Which we won't know until we try. Sticking our head in the sand while the rest of the world goes by is not acceptable. Players that come on more than twice a year have expressed an interest in Discord, so it does not hurt to check it out. And again, so far discord is using less ram than my TS. Your dislike is duly noted.
  10. Unholy


    Looking at resource usage on my machine which I have both running, Discord is clearly using less. As for voice, at work at the moment. Will have to check it out when I get home. But, thanks for your opinions unknown person.
  11. Unholy


    It doesn't touch your resources. Be helpful if everyone just installed/registered and signed into it and left it up for a bit. Give us time to assign roles, see how it works with an actual group of people.
  12. Unholy


    Advantages of this are: Faster (less CPU/Memory usage, less lag in games) Better voice quality More integration with games we play Don't even have to download software if you don't want to, can be launched on browser. Bots and other interesting things.
  13. Unholy


    So this pretty cool chat (voice and text) service keeps coming up in conversation, and we're seeing other communities start to play with it. So we will be as well. If you want to help us test it out, or just prefer it more than TeamSpeak, by all means connect to it and give it a try. We are NOT officially dropping TeamSpeak, and would prefer members continue to utilize TeamSpeak even during this test. If there is enough interest we'll consider making a full switch. Join our server with the below link: http://discord.atrgamers.com
  14. Unholy

    Resto Druid

    @Bigtimzwow there is a name I haven't seen for a long time.
  15. Appreciate the kind words. Stop by anytime!
  16. @Mastric would need to answer this. Also @Fusi0nn and @iamDesertFox are looking for a team. With you would make 3!
  17. *Bumpity. At least one person on FB looking for a group as well.
  18. Unholy

    Changes - Support

    Far beyond just donations, and the many get propped up by a few generous people. When you monitor the servers constantly, who's on, who's not, what's popping, what's not, when it's popping and when it's not. It's clear changes need made. Reducing from 8 to 5 has already shown to have been a good decision. Already having more fun, seeing servers fuller earlier, and the hope is due to servers being more full, we'll have more people sign on for VIP and we won't need to be rescued at the end of a month. Worrying is my job. =D
  19. I did ask what server you were having the issue on so I could look into the issue further.
  20. What server were you on that you lost 8 times in a row? All servers are set to scramble (or should be) at the end of each round. So maybe good time to buy a lotto ticket.
  21. Unholy

    Changes - Support

    We are implementing some changes due to the past months performance on server population and donations. Up through January both have been steady and within our operating costs. This month has shown a massive drop of people on TeamSpeak, helping populate, seeding and in donations. Present costs are roughly $600/month, for February we are standing at just $255 in donations which is our worse month ever. We did have some surplus last month and enough in the bank to get us by an additional month as a last resort. So looking at reasons as to why this may be, many indications are people are tired of popping, too many servers. Will have a great night, and then the next night if we're off to a slow start, people disappear fast. As a result we've decided to go from 8 servers to 5 servers, cutting 140+ slots. (We had 5 conquest, we cut 3 and now have 2 conquest plus 3 other modes) This doesn't do much to our operating costs (saves $50), but it does reduce the work our players have to do. The intention here is to allow us to get the servers popped more quickly, and allow us to get back to having fun. The additional benefit of this is we have increased the tickrate on all the servers, so that they are at least 40hz, and two of them are 60hz improving game play. Last but not least the hope is with the servers getting popped sooner, more people will want to chip in for VIP or sponsor servers to get us back up and over the minimum operating costs, which those overages come back to you all in the form of prizes. We are exploring other areas where we can reduce costs, primarily with our admin system but the bottom line is we need to see improvement on support in March if we're to continue offering the Battlefield, ARK, Minecraft, CS:GO and other servers/services we provide. So to those who contribute, thank you for your support. To those who don't, we can use your help. To be clear we aren't threatening to shut everything down over one poor month. This group has been going strong for over 6 years, and the Battlefield group has been amazing since becoming part of ATR in May. Regardless of donations there will always be a place for us to gather and be silly. Lets come together and end this month strong, make March awesome and be sure to be on for the meeting and C4 event on Sunday the 28th! Love, Happy
  22. Yeah I don't want to think about how much money I sank there. PS I miss getting sexy pictures of Jake and Edgar. =D
  23. Unholy


    Yeah that reminds me I need to demote @Flashplate, not sure why he's an Admin if he's not going to play BF4 anymore.
  24. If not for the "Guild Party MVP" title you have, I would have had no idea who the hell you were. lol
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