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ATR Seer
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Posts posted by Unholy

  1. Just want to say congratulations to our Battlefield 4 Group. For the first time since we started, all Eight of our Battlefield servers filled, and not only that, all but one had a Queue meaning people were waiting in line to play on them. Over 280 active players (no seeders) online!

    Thank you to everyone that helps support the servers through seeding, popping and donations. You all make this possible.

    We have seen over the past couple weeks that servers are filling faster, and we're getting down to the last two earlier each day. When EA isn't crashing things that is lol.

    Lets keep this up!


    • Like 7
  2. Hey all, hopefully someone can help me out here. I am unable to find the Little More Conquest server and the Mixed Mode Server. Try as I might, when I search , they just don't come up. I see all of the other servers just fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    When searching for servers, make sure there are no checks in Free Slots, mode, game size etc, and make sure for Type you have Official and Ranked both marked.

  3. Could one of the Admins please check my VIP?  I also started waiting in the queue.  From what I can tell I should be paid up until the 12th of next month.


    Thank you...

    VIP is automatic as soon as donation or store is used on the forums. It wasn't working for you because on your profile here, you had your name entered for WOW, not for Battlelog.

    I went ahead and updated that for you, and VIP should work ok now.

    • Like 2
  4. I need some stuff 

    looking for 

    soul sand


    nether brick

    still need, i still have not been able to find a single diamond so mining obsidian is imposable.

    How much of what do you need...

    Also, in addition to diamond, dark steel and shiny metal can also harvest obsidian I believe.

  5. Was there a Q at 2am? Sweet!

    And yeah you are on VIP. I'll take a look at plugin, have a couple changes to make to it anyway.

    • Like 1
  6. as far as Canada shipping i think Janz will be going to the event maybe he can bring them back to canada and ship them there if it would be any cheaper. 

    Just a thought


    He will not be attending the event due to some personal events going on.

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