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Posts posted by Unholy

  1. Guys, a competitive gaming group out of california uses this same bird vector calling themselves F4LC0N.  Wish I had seen this post earlier.


    Not really concerned about it. Can't seem to find them, clearly not any kind of competition to us. Besides, we paid for licensing for this image so now ATR Gamers (a registered Not For Profit Business) has legal rights to use the image.


    Think we're fine.

    • Like 3
  2. Believe we'll be making the following changes this evening.


    Hardline servers will be disappearing. Lack of interest, SEVERE lack of players on hardline in general. 


    Those 64 slots will be put into a Conquest Large Vanilla Maps server. Idea being we want to capture people new to BF4, give them a good experience, and those players that just haven't gotten the DLCs yet or simply prefer the vanilla maps. Maybe instant Vehicle Re-Spawn?


    Gun Master Pistols will be changing to a Hardcore Pistols only 32P Domination server. Spaniard you want that all maps or what rotation?


    CQ Small and Little Rush (Maybe I should rename Conquest Small to Little Conquest?) will be changing from Official to Ranked in the next day or so. This leaves us with all Ranked servers.


    So we'll have:

    Little Conquest 32

    Little Rush 32

    Conquest Large All Maps 64

    Conquest Large Vanilla 64

    Gun Master DLC Weapons 32

    Big Rush 64

    Hardcore Pistols 32

    and of course Lost Islands 32


    352 slots not including any commander or spectators. Full Dedicated machine can do 350 clear full without issue. So 352 shouldn't be a problem, some additional slots for spectator/commanders. 6 slots for commanders on all 3 conquest servers, 8 slots for a least one spectator? Will have to see if 366 is possible. If we see lag, will either drop a server after a vote, or put it on a stand alone.


    We're basically trying to find the right mix that is going to get servers full, and won't kill us getting them there lol. 


    We know the two "Little Servers" have been kicking ass. Quick to fill.

    We know Conquest Large All Maps takes a little longer to fill, but then sits the rest of the night with a Queue.

    We expect Conquest Large Vanilla to do well based on how Small and Large have been running.

    DLC Gun Maps has been hit and miss. Sometimes easy, sometimes hard (my two favorite things) but still remains somewhat popular due to being new.

    We know Rush can be a strong server, but needs to be babied until popular again. When popping this we really shouldn't move past it until a new round starts and it remains 75% or more full, and even then move out two by two.

    Hardcore Pistols we know there is interest, how well it does we'll find out!

    Lost Islands sometimes you just need a shotgun to the face. =X


    Feedback is always welcome. 

  3. Just want to say give a big shout out to every one who was able to donate last month! You got us off to a tremendous start here raising over $1,800 in less than a month! That puts us on good solid ground this month, and should allow us to have some pretty decent prizes for both the Member event and larger Community event in the coming week(s).


    We'll have the financial sheets updated in the ATR Gamer Financials section in the next day or so outlining what we brought in, and where it is going!


    To those that didn't donate, but still found ways to help us, you are no less appreciated. Without seeders and people to help us populate servers, build our tools and moderate our forums and servers we wouldn't need donations because there would be nothing to support!


    Each day we grow stronger thanks to all of our members. 


    Lets work together to make June even better!




    • Like 3
  4. As you have seen our servers, while still taking a while to pop, are getting easier to pop. All but two servers are currently Ranked, meaning we have full control and need admins. The two that are currently official (Little Rush and Conquest Small) will soon be switched to Ranked as well.


    So we are going to be looking for individuals to promote into an Admin role. Individuals that were previously an admin will be given first look.


    While requirements to be an admin are mostly unchanged from what you're used to, there is one important change:


    Admins are REQUIRED to either populate or be running a seeder during the morning/afternoon time frame. Admins that can be active in playing/popping of course during these times are preferred. But at the very least, like the directors, we want you seeding.


    Beyond this we will look at past admin history, look at if new training needs to be done. Also, it should be no surprise that we're going to look at how you transitioned from the old group to this new one and if there was ever any question where loyalties were. This is to protect our group more than anything. Trust can be rebuilt absolutely.


    If you were not previously an admin, you aren't necessarily excluded, but those individuals will be given the most opportunity. We are looking for people over 18, who have been with us at least a month and who have shown a maturity on TS and in game. Being rational when looking at a player, going and looking up stats instead of hackuzations will be considered. We also expect Admins to be active on forums and of course in Team Speak.


    So old or new, post and let us know if you are interested. We will be evaluating people over the next week or two, especially in regards to seeding or popping during the day. So I'd recommend checking out the seeding threads if you aren't already doing that.


    Questions? Let me know!




    • Like 3
  5. The Spring Patch is going to bring us the Gun Master mode back to BF4. We will of course have a server up and running for this when servers come back online tomorrow morning. We will need help getting it populated so we can be on top of the game!


    Be sure to update your seeders (close/reopen/refresh) in the morning before taking off for the day!

    • Like 3

    That's when the party starts I suppose lol

  7. FYI...announced by google chrome this morning...battlefield seeder extension we're using will no longer be supported soon


    Where are you seeing this? I've seen nothing about it not being supported "soon"

    Nevermind. I updated Chrome and now I see the message.

  8. For example all the links to logos and such. linkes to tech sites, buying cames. Anytime a link is not an atrgamers.com link (maybe we should get atrgamer.com also as I've mistyped that a dozen times now.. lol) should open as a new page just to make the clear distinction it is not OUR link, it is someone elses.

    • Like 1
  9. First 6 servers on our list I think are solid.

    CQ All, CQ Classics, TDM 32, Blood Money, Hotwire, Rush


    Last three are more or less pet projects.


    Lockers Conq is going to be difficult, maybe consider switching it to a 64P TDM All Maps(Official to start)?

    Lost Islands we know we'll keep up because it's a member favorite even if it doesn't pop.

    Op Lockers No Explosives if people want to try and keep this going fine with me. There is a following, just need to get them back.


    Think we'll want to look at switching some of our solid servers to Ranked this holiday weekend, see how we do. Some like the first two Conquests and TDM just rock as official. Rush, while it quickly filled to half full, stayed there due to attrition. Rounds too short on Official and so it would probably fair better as ranked.



  10. Yep we hit a little over 200 Monday, last night was over 280 at one point. With holiday weekend coming up may want to consider making some of the officials ranked when Friday hits. 


    Or see if a couple fill while official Friday afternoon, then switch them to ranked (causing a server restart) and hope majority hit the reconnect button.

    • Like 1
  11. This is more for Skull/John


    Run a check against the Current Players table and the Forum Users BF names. Use this information for a "Currently Online" section of ATRStats.com Showing which members are online, and which of our servers they are in.


    Alternatively, if possible, run a check against battlelog instead of current players to find out what their current server is regardless of it is one of ours or not. Would be interesting to see to say the least.

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