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ATR Seer
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Posts posted by Unholy

  1. Let us know! Must be able to play in the afternoon (12P-5P EST). Must be willing to switch teams to help balance server, even if that means you won't win a round.


    Council will need to discuss it, but players that sign up and consistently help during the afternoon may be eligible for a reward at the end of a month.

  2. I'd like to remove the "Recent Gallery Images" bar below the shoutbox, and replace it with something slightly larger allowing us to show panels advertising our stuff.


    Panel for "VIP", "SEEDER", "DONATE", "MEETING"


    Perhaps a panel for needed raiders, most recent downing of a boss. Each would be linking to a post with more information.

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    We have ZERO tolerance for hacking. Once a hacker, always a hacker. Anyone found cheating will be banned permenantly from all of our Ranked Servers. All members will be checked against standard sites such as AntiCheat Inc and Punk Buster. Our own review of your stats will be made using our stats site ATRStats.com



    If you feel you've been banned unjustly, please post an appeal by looking up your player @ ATRStats.com

    Be civil and reasonable in your appeal. "Flames" will cause appeal to be denied and being banned from the Forums.



    Glitching or using Macros is prohibited. Members should not "teabag" other members. If just starting the server and all players are members, if you want to go "Pistols Only" that is fine, so long as all members agree. It should NOT be pushed. If a pug joins, go weapons hot. Do not try and push special restrictions on players joining the server. More often than not it will just drive the player away.



    Players who have donated at least $20 in a given month will be given VIP access to our servers. This access will immediately join you into a server so that you do not have to wait in line. Keep in mind that this may not work on "Official Servers", it will work on "Ranked Servers".



    When first turning on a new server the server will be an Official Server. On Official servers we do not have the ability to force VIP to work, kill, kick or ban players. However it does drive "Quick Play" traffic to the server, helping get it populated and get people aware of our group and that the server exists. After a reasonable trial period of allowing people to find the server, it will be switched to a Ranked server. Anyone found hacking on an Official Server will be banned from all our Ranked servers.


    Ranked servers we have full control over. VIP will work and of course we can kill, kick, ban and enforce special rules such as "No Explosives" or "Pistols Only"



    To be eligible for prizes at the end of each month, you must seed at least half the month during our "Prime Time" hours. Which is 8AM to 7PM. You do not need to seed that entire window, just a reasonable amount in that window to show effort being made to help us populate servers. We have reporting ability to know whether you just happened to be playing during that time, or if you were running the seeder application.



    We need more people on in the mornings and afternoons to help get servers going. Seeders certainly help, but what really gets servers populated is actual players. We of course do not expect any member to sit in a server with a bunch of seeders and do nothing hoping another real person will join, but we are going to try and recognize those people that are making an effort and not just playing on a full server all day.



    Members are required to help us populate servers. We do not expect them to do so 24/7, or by themselves, but if there are at least 4 active people on TeamSpeak then you should try jumping into a server with seeders and get it going. BURN OUT is real. If there aren't enough active people on TS, then you are not expected to sit in a server by yourself, do what you can to get people into servers and keep them there. 



    Members are required to use TeamSpeak. We are going to be a little more selective when bringing new members into the group, and one requirement is that they join TS and stick around. We understand that many members have work or school so being on in the morning and afternoon is difficult. However please make an effort to jump on as often as possible. Even if just to check in, say hello, whatever. If you are available in the morning and afternoon, jump on and hang out for a bit. Even if you're by yourself, odds are someone else will join soon enough. We will often see members join, see no one on, and immediately quit. Only to see another member do the same thing a few minutes later. So in short, stick around!



    We are all recruiters! Having a great game? Try to get those players into TeamSpeak and on our forums! The more active and good players (and we aren't even talking skill, just decent human beings) we have, the better. It will make our lives easier, servers pop faster, life is good. So get out there and spread the word. Post on BL Forums, Reddit, engage people in the servers. Get them talking and interested. We may do some kind of referral program (need Council vote and discussion), give some kind of reward or incentive for those getting good people into All That Rem

    • Like 9
  4. Player Guidelines
    Respect comes first and foremost above any other rule. ATR has always been a guild that put enjoyment of the game for it''s members above and beyond anything else. We understand people may not get along all the time and may not even like each other (personalities don''t mix well sometimes, we get it) but you WILL show respect to your fellow raiders and guild members. This is a guild full of people who enjoy just playing the game, and we want to keep it that way. 
    Respect your raid leaders and officers, they are in that position for a reason. Constructive criticism is always welcome and if you think you have a strategy and/or idea that may help the raid team, please feel free to bring it to our attention. If you want to be an officer, we are always keeping an eye out. Show us you want it, and in time, you will have it.
    Abusive language, being willfully hurtful or harassment will absolutely not be tolerated. Homophobic language will not be tolerated.
    Playful rib jabbing between friends is fine and we get that it happens, but if it crosses a line and someone openly asks you to stop, you will immediately stop. First offence will result in removal from the raid team for the night. Further offenses will result in removal from raid team or even a guild kick depending on the level of the offense.
    Remember that when you wear our guild tag, you are a representative and ambassador of ATR Gamers and our All That Remàins guild, behave appropriately and treat non-guild members with the same respect you''d want someone from another guild to treat you with. Anyone you encounter has the potential to become a member of our community depending on what kind of impression you leave with that person.
    Botting is not allowed and use them at your own risk. Blizzard has had a vendetta against botters lately, so if you do and we don''t catch you, Blizzard might. 
    So You Want To Be A Raider?
    We are fairly layed back semi-casual raiding guild. We focus on enjoyment of the game over hardcore, end-game progression. If you are looking to be a world class competitor this is not the appropriate guild for you. 
    We are very aware that good gear a good player does not always make. So us your willingness and determination to be part of our team and we will always give you a fair chance to prove yourself. Gear has always been an after thought to the majority of our raiders and simply a means to an end. Gear will come to you in time, raiding is a group effort and as long as everyone is focused, you will get your gear in time.
    We use a custom EPGP lot system at this time to handle loot and gear distribution. You earn points to spend on gear based upon attendance. Good attendance will determine how quickly you gear up with our raid team.
    Flasks and food will always be provided by the guild bank, but we ask you come prepared just in case.
    Attendance must be maintained at 85% or higher to remain an active member of the Veteran Raider rank. We have a short raid week so we need everyone there as much as possible so we can progress. When people are always late and/or gone it hurts the raid team and hurts the progression we are trying to make.
    Raid Times are:
    Tuesday - 7:30pm to 11:00pm server time
    Wednesday - 7:30pm to 11:00 pm server time
    The raid group and officers reserve the right to maximize group composition based upon player ability and role within the raid team if we are having trouble progressing past a certain point.
    • Like 1
  5. To be determined. (Looking for feedback and for the directors of ATR to add to this thread. It will be closed after a period of time and finalized.


    Any person joining the All That Remàins gaming community will be vetted. We expect all players, regardless of game, to respect our members and leadership.




    We DO NOT allow racist or homophobic slurs. We DO NOT allow intolerant language in regards to ones gender, race, country, sexual preference or background.


    It''s understood that we''re a gaming community of adults. Adult language, swearing is acceptable if not expected. However the intolerant language mentioned above can give a group a bad image. If you are found using such language in TeamSpeak or in-game you will be warned and removed if necessary.


    Examples of this language which will not tolerated in any variation are:

    fag, faggot, chink, gook, nig, nigger, spick, retard, cunt, kike, etc.




    Each member of All That Remàins is a representative of the entire group. We expect all members to treat all players with respect, knowing that other players observing the conversation or interaction are also potential members. We always want to maintain a positive image so that in-turn those are the types of players that we''re attracting to the group.


    A certain level of trash talk is not unexpected in gaming. Just try and keep it in check. It''s up to the leaders of each game to keep players in check. If interactions are going beyond "Just in good fun" player needs to be warned and if the problem persists, removed from the group.




    If you''re having a problem with another member please bring that problem to an Admin or Officer. If the problem is with an Admin or Officer then please reach out to one of the directors of ATR and we''ll do our best to help resolve the issue.

    • Like 9
  6. The following servers are Official.


    CQ All

    Head Rush

    TDM Chaos

    Blood Money



    So are these two. Though one is a specific expansion, one is a single map only. Not sure how well official will work. But trying it out.

    Lockers Conq
    Again, this is temporary. Want to get the servers full, people to find us, and then we'll work on switching back to Ranked. Council agree's that when we bring up a new server, we'll start it official for that exact same reason. Give it a fighting chance before killing it.
  7. You will notice a number of our servers are currently set to official. This is TEMPORARY!


    There are pros and cons of course to Official. The primary reason we are electing to run them as official to start is because "Quick Play" traffic goes to those servers. So once we get the server started, they should pop themself the rest of the day. Won't always be the case, but that's the hope.


    And while we don't have the level of control for those servers that we would like, we do get exposure. Our spam bot running in the server, letting people know we exist and that we have servers. Directing them to these forums, our Team Speak and of course to FAVORITE the server. Then once the server is popular, we can switch it over to a ranked server, where we have the control we want, and anyone who had already Favorited the server will still see it and enjoy it.


    Appreciate so very much everyone that is continuing to help us with this transition. We already have a great group and amazing setup and we've only been here a week. 


    HUGE thank you to everyone who has pitched in whether it be financially, technologically or just for coming by and saying you support us. It means the world to us and certainly makes me proud to call this my home and you all my family.


    Good things are coming! Events & Prizes, and hopefully some promotions are in the works. We'll be getting VIP options up, as well as server sponsors. ALSO just an FYI if you were already a VIP @ uRock that has carried over. So if you were VIP through the end of this month or next, you'll still have that.


    Stay tuned!



    • Like 5
  8. I defer to your better judgement. 


    Just don't want to be a Cyber lol. So speak up!


    My thought is yeah we don't want to run Official Servers. However, they fill up, they let us spam our information out to people telling them to search for our servers and to favorite them. And when we switch it back to Ranked later on, all those favorites are still there. So throwing CQ & Rush All to Official until Council tells me otherwise.


    Lockers/Silk will continue to be a job especially while competing with U. Classics I think will be a good one. Rest I don't know. 

  9. Looks like classics will be a success. The Official server has stayed with a Q which isn't surprising. May make another official just to keep spamming the masses our info while we work on popping the others.


    Any opinions?


    And yes, we're still working on Admin. =X

    • Like 2
  10. Ok 64P Blood Money turned into 32, second 32 for Hotwire added.


    Here is updated list:


    Open to suggestions on names. I want my Head Rush though! =D
    • Like 1
  11. Happy, I went ahead and added the server lineup on the BF4 forum. Chuck had already posted two on the thread early on. I started the thread a few days ago when the regular Urock members (not staff or admins, but the bulk of the membership) did not have a clue what was really going on. Thank you for sending us the email to explain the changes. The other day when the old web site reappeared it sounded like the old clan might get back together (hoping), but I was wrong. Wishful thinking on my part.


    I noticed most players are still wearing their old tags, will this change soon?


    As we find members and get them in the ATR platoon they just need to hit the "Use Emblem and Tags" button in that platoon.

    • Like 1
  12. Intoooooooooooooo what?


    Like I said, right now the Hardline server is a 64P Blood Money.


    You want that split into Two 32P............... what?

  13. Amazing guys. Very happy. I would like to see one of the 64 split into 2 32 hardline servers


    We could do that if we want to. The "Sunday Bloody Sunday" server is a 64P Blood Money server. Can split it out if we like.

  14. Search ~ATR~ for all our servers!


    Dedicated Game Server is up and running.


    In addition to the two 64 Player servers we already have. We've added:

    Three 64 Player Servers

    Four 32 Player Servers


    There will be discussion on what they all become. I've just setup some "normal" ones to get them online so I can start working on admin items. Will be looking for your server suggestions!


    Be sure to FOLLOW each of these servers, and then you'll have them no mater what we change them to.


    Again these WILL be changing. I don't presume to know what we collectively want to have up lol.

    Also, to be clear, we're expecting some, if not most, will be empty for some time while we get our name out there. Anyone wanting to get word out on BF4 forums, reddit, wherever players can be found is MORE than welcome to. Adding them as a favorite spams your status update on BattleLog as well that you've found these servers, so that does help.


    We'll figure out what works, what doesn't, and make sure we have fun playing together while we do it.

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