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ATR Seer
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Posts posted by Unholy

  1. yes i left uRock.. but all this is happening while im in the middle of a hell week at work.. you all can look forward to seeing me in your kill cam.. while i am not ready to join up.. i certainly want this suceed.. i made to many friends in my time with uRock.. i will try and hop in team speak this weekend to chat with all of you..


    I know we butt heads and don't agree on everything. But I'm glad you're not going to be a stranger babe.

  2. So as you have more than likely found out by now, Cyberbang3r has decided to shut down =U= Rock and is unwilling to transfer control to anyone else. So as a result we've needed to find a new home.


    Luckily we already have a great relationship with the members of All That Rem. As such we are joining forces with them to become a gaming community instead of just a "clan" focused on one game.


    Things will not be easy, but every single Council member and every member we've spoken too have been on board with coming over to ATR Gamers and keeping things fun!


    Here is some additional information on what we're doing!


    1. Our servers will be "No Lag" servers, pings will be limited to a maximum of 160. Previously we were forced to keep ping limits off, or set closer to 200.

    2. Transparency with donations. Once we get our donation system setup on this new site, we will make everything visible. All members will be able to see what comes in and what goes out. Our goal will cover the cost of the servers, and enough for an additional month or two for a "rainy day" fund.

    3. All excess funds (donations above our costs and reserve for bad months) will be channeled into prizes, raffles and giveaways!

    4. There will no longer be an "Executive Director" that makes the final decisions. All 10 Council Members are going to be making the decisions going forward. (With feedback from members of course.)

    5. All prior admins are going to be senior members in the group. With our initial start of just 2 servers, and our work on the admin tools it doesn't make sense to have 20 people trying to cover 2 servers that aren't full. As we fill them up and get new servers we will start promoting senior members back to Admins with new training for our updated tools.

    6. Seeding will continue to be very important. We hope that there continues to be a good following of individuals that are willing to lend us their PC power in the morning and afternoon while they're away at school and work. We will make an effort though to recognize who is doing their fair share of helping pop, and understanding the need to take a break.

    7. We will still be offering VIP slots for $20

    8. Server Sponsors will no longer be $90. Because it doesn't cost that much to host a server. We will be lowering that to an amount closer to $70 for a 64 and $35 for a 32.

    9. While we want servers to be popped 24/7, we understand that's not going to always be possible. Those that want a "specialty" server such as a Pistols Only or No Explosives will be considered by Council. As long as it is being sponsored each month, odds are we will leave it up. Understanding being that priority on popping will be lower vs our other servers unless it proves to be popular.

    10. MORE FUN LESS DRAMA. Tired of the doom and gloom. Regardless of what happens we'll have a place for us to hang out and have fun. If it turns out we don't have the financial support to keep going with game servers, we'll always have enough support for TeamSpeak.


    I've been very happy on how this transition is going, and it warms my pants seeing every single member (Save for Cyber and Akira of course) coming over and offering to help.


    Soooooooooooooo in short. Welcome to All That Rem and I look forward to playing with all of you. (Giggle)


    aka) Unholyfaith

    aka) Nick


    • Like 7
  3. I haven't been on much lately due to a number of reasons, should be available more before too long. If the Gumps and main guild party peeps are willing to move to another server, so am I.

    Maybe on the new server we can fix the name so it doesn't have that damned special character in it lol.

  4. I will be in Wilmington, DE 2/20-2/24 hitting on Iaxeyou, LittleLai, PewUrDead, Kansir and Yazie. No raid for me.

    Possibly want to cut out early on the 19th as well as I plan on hitting the road very early on 2/20 but we'll see.

  5. Massive project at work needs to be released tonight, I doubt highly I will be home before 8, so plan on replacing me. Should be available tomorrow. Hopefully Gump or Mastric can handle running DKP for tonight.

  6. raid@atremains.com is actually down currently. We just moved to a new server, so we're still working on that.

    Side note, have Lyshanni see if he can connect to our Mumble. Default port for Mumble. Or if that is blocked for him as well.

  7. Awesome! Glad to hear the group is making progress.

    Also we may be moving to Mumble instead of Vent, and I'll be able to pick the port. Have Lyshanni or whoever it was that couldn't connect to our vent because of a block port let me know what ports are open for him.

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