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ATR Seer
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Everything posted by Unholy

  1. Hitting the road. NY bound.

  2. I'm going somewhere this weekend. I don't know where yet, don't have any invitations lols. But damnit I'm leaving Ohio for at least a day or two or three.

  3. 3 voice mail messages at work. All from what sound like a very large ghetto woman wanting to know where her icecream was... No idea.. lol

  4. How is tomorrow Monday already? I think I missed something.

  5. Cupcake obtained!

  6. I keep seeing cupcakes and that is annoying. Now I want a cupcake and really have no desire to go to the store.

  7. In the mood to go for a drive

  8. Come on new phone get delivered already! Been on truck for delivery since 4 this morning lol. Also, no idea how much crap I had on my phone until just now trying to do a backup. Couple years of random photos and videos add up I guess.

  9. Oh get a room. *and record it.
  10. Samsung Galaxy S4 16GB Black Mist ordered. Because... well just because now that I think about it. My current droid bionic works perfectly well.

  11. I'm awake, kinda

  12. Must go to sleep.... blah

  13. Am I the only programmer out there that thinks it is crazy the government hasn't been able to digitize all these Veteran files yet? We're talking what 900k+ of them? They've had how long? I mean come on, build an interface to at least start the data entry and start eating away at the piles of applications we keep hearing about. Need me to do it? Gah!

  14. Doctor Who NoooOOoooo I don't want to wait until Nov 23rd! Bastards

  15. Mashed Potatoes, Noodles, Roast Beef, Corn for lunch/dinner tomorrow. Channeling some Grandma Collingwood, miss those Sunday dinners.

  16. New Star Trek is AWESOME. Highly recommend.

  17. I think Pancakes and Eggs before coming in around 3am was a bad idea. There may be a green fog over my cube.

  18. Oh scammers, thank you for your threatening voice mail. It's been so long since I've heard from you. And thank you for wishing me "good luck" if I don't call you back. I so scared. lols

  19. I haven't been on much lately due to a number of reasons, should be available more before too long. If the Gumps and main guild party peeps are willing to move to another server, so am I. Maybe on the new server we can fix the name so it doesn't have that damned special character in it lol.
  20. Where the hell did the day go? I thought it was like 930

  21. Went to store on specific mission to get crackers and trash bags. $140 later, guess what two things I forgot to buy? #facepalm

  22. So glad tomorrow is Friday been a rough week on multiple levels.

  23. Good lord this drawing salve looks and smells like super concentrated tar. Gag

  24. Blahhhhhhhhhhhh

  25. Sadly since I spent most of the day in bed, sleep isn't likely tonight. Looks like I may just go into the office and get started.

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