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ATR Seer
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Everything posted by Unholy

  1. Hello Gamers! Wanted to take a moment and wish everyone a Happy New Years and to say thank you for being apart of ATR Gamers. We've seen our membership grow greatly this year with the addition of our Battlefield 4 group to our ranks. Faster servers, more games being offered, more events and prizes. Big thank you to those that have donated their time and/or money to help make this group a success. As some of you know we make great effort at trying to be as transparent as possible with what money is coming in and going out, from who and where to. As part of that we wanted to take the extra step of actually becoming a registered organization and becoming exempt from federal income tax. I'm proud to announce that I received notice from the Internal Revenue Service today that our application and paperwork was accepted and we are now a registered 501 (c) (7) organization, technically a "Social Club" https://www.irs.gov/Charities-&-Non-Profits/Other-Non-Profits/Social-Clubs. No, your donations are not tax deductible lol. But it is a big step for our group, makes us more legitimate and will help us with our future endeavors. For example it will make us stand out a lot more while seeking sponsors for our upcoming LAN event. It should also make all of you more comfortable, knowing we are putting the work in, we are here to stay and any donation is for ATR Gamers only, and not going to pay for a family vacation. Anyway, just wanted to share as I thought this was some exciting news. Thank you again everyone and I'm sure this year will be even bigger for us! Love, Happy
  2. Unholy


    As a side note, our Financial pages will be updated year end. Monthly budget isn't too far off from what it currently shows, but is less than actual.
  3. Unholy


    The end of the month is here and we're about a hundred short on donations for the month. As a reminder to maintain what we have normally is right around $600 each month, this month was $700 as a result of the additional 64P server. We currently stand at $520 in donations for the month. We'll be dropping the 2nd 64P server when it's month is over, it was brought up for additional traffic expected from Dragon Valley. This will return us to our normal 8 servers and 400 slots. We understand money being tighter around the holidays, and don't have any big concerns at the moment. This is why we have some cushion in the bank to absorb a bad month. On the plus side with how successful our Canals server has been, we have more new people donating than prior months to get VIP status. Big thank you for everyone who has chipped in this year to make us a success. We'll see how January goes and do some trimming then if necessary. Love, Happy
  4. Also funny to see this topic get revived. When we first joined forces after Cyber said he was shutting down =U=. Fast forward 7 months. We're stronger than ever at ATR Gamers. That other group? No more than a fart in a hurricane. Happy Holidays
  5. Wonder if actual baking, or getting baked. PS I want cookies! @Mastric
  6. Suddenly my interest in raid is raised.
  7. *BUMP* Just a reminder of this. It is not limited to just Battlefield players. Anyone who donates $20 gets entered.
  8. until

    Just to check, are you still planning on running this event?
  9. until

    Sounds good stud lol
  10. Unholy

    Happy Veterans Day

    Just wanted to take a moment and give a shout out to all my friends, family and community members that are in or have been in the military. So few serve and have sacrificed so much so that so many can have the lives we enjoy today. At the very least today is a celebration to honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. Take a moment and give thanks to someone today. Many Mouth Hugs, Happy
  11. until

    Would you be willing to plan/run this event? Any details/images you provide I'll append to the Event.
  12. until

    Making it Sunday the 29th, Final answer. lol
  13. until

    If Sunday works better for everyone, then speak up people.
  14. until

  15. until

    BF Peeps let me know you're coming! Also looking for event ideas or you're going to get stuck with Zombies, or perhaps a bow event since everyone can get them now. @asmith19323, @Chuck_Mawhinn3y, @RoomBroom2010, @skulls, @COLMAC, @sillouette23502, @Flashplate, @Mr. Lou, @camley, @The_Real_1hit, @uchimatamaster, @kenwood720, @WillyBScammiN, @phxman, @TurkeyStick, @Janzstone, @XxXRogueGamerXxX, @W1ck3d3nd, @BillyRay, @blacklaw, @Daemien, @bLiNdLuCkIeR, @fheric, @Asta, @Razor_Actual, @Mrderman007, @I-Orion-l, @CS_Ghost
  16. until
    Our monthly meeting will be held on Sunday November 29th at 8PM. Event which is TBD will immediately follow at 9PM EST. Please try and show up! I believe November marks 6 months of having our Battlefield group as part of the community! Event details will be updated here once Council determines the event. Suggestions are more than welcome! Love, Happy
  17. until

    Congratulations to the winners of this event drawing! mac7337, FuzioN and Janzstone! http://www.random.org/draws/details/?draw=33557
  18. *BUMP* Meeting will immediately follow the event & drawing.
  19. Take a moment and click "Going" on this event if you are planning on showing up!
  20. until
    WELCOME FELLOW GAMERS! ATR Gamers is hosting a Battlefield 4 Halloween Zombie Mode event that is open to the public. Anyone interested is free to join us on November 1st at 7:00pm EST. We will have up to eight Battlefield 4 servers available to accommodate players and will be giving away prizes. All prizes will be in the form of gift cards from Steam, Origin, uPlay, or Newegg. Players are encouraged to stick around before and after the event to meet the crew! All players that attend the event must abide by our rules and standards to be eligible for prizes and are stated below. EVENT The event will take place on ATR Gamers Battlefield 4 servers and TeamSpeak on November 1st at 7:00pm EST. We will have plenty of slots available on our Battlefield 4 servers and TeamSpeak. The event will start promptly at 7:00pm EST and run for one hour. The map will be set to Zavod: Graveyard Shift, game mode for each server needed will be set to TDM, the preset will be set to Standard, and players will be set to 48, with only 24 available to join. In order for you to be eligible for prizes, you must play at least 20 minutes and be present in TeamSpeak. 3 winners will be randomly drawn from the eligible players. Zombie Mode Zombie mode is an unofficial plugin for BF4 servers. At the start of each round one player will be designated as the first zombie and placed in their own team will all other players on the opposite team. Zombies will be extremely hard to kill due to decreased bullet damage. Zombies can only use melee weapons to attack. Once a zombie has attacked another player, that player dies and respawns as a zombie themselves. Non-zombie players cannot use explosives (ANY EXPLOSIVES), and will get a penalty if used. Zombies cannot use any other weapons besides melee, and will get a penalty if used. Players with multiple penalties will be kicked from the server. The round is over once all players are zombies or the humans kill a certain number of zombies. SERVERS Search for ATR Gamers in your server browser to find all of our servers. On November 1st, server names will include "Zombie Event" for any servers needed to accommodate all players. Be sure to favorite our servers! TEAMSPEAK Server IP: ts.atrgamers.com Players will be required to join us in TeamSpeak during and after the event. We will have many channels for you interact in with the public players and ATR Gamers members. Please use your in-game name when joining us to help with identification and for any contact purposes . All players joining our TeamSpeak will be subject to our rules and guidelines listed below. Prizes $60 $40 $20 RSVP Please RSVP for this event no later than 5:30PM EST on 11/1/15. RSVP'ing will reserve you a VIP slot in the event as well as in all our server from NOW until 11:59PM EST on 11/1/15. While walk-ins are welcome,if you do not RSVP for the event we cannot guarantee you a slot. RSVP by simply clicking "Going" on this page! RULES AND GUIDELINES No Hacking/CheatingYou MUST be present in TeamSpeakNo intolerant language, such as racist or homophobic slurs, is allowed on our game servers or TeamSpeakRespect all players and ATR Gamer adminsPlayer pings must not exceed 160ms, and will be kicked if they do. Most players in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Western Europe should be within this limit; check our servers before the event to ensure you qualify!WINNERS 3 winners will be draw by random from eligible players attending this event. Winners will be screened for any broken rules after the event and will be listed here. In the event that a winner has broken above rules, prize will be given to another player of the event. Winners will be contacted by an ATR Gamer council member when you are present on TeamSpeak. Any unclaimed prizes will be forfeited. If no winners claim the prizes, equal cash value will be donated to charity. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. BY PARTICIPATING IN THIS EVENT YOU AGREE TO OUR RULES AND GUIDELINES. IF YOU DO NOT ADHERE TO THE RULES AND GUIDELINES STATED ABOVE YOU WILL BE SUBJECT TO BANS FROM OUR GAME SERVERS AND/OR OUR TEAMSPEAK. IN EXTREME CASES OFFENDERS WILL BE GIVEN A METABAN AND/OR OTHER ANTI-CHEAT BANS BASED ON WEAPON STATS. ATR GAMERS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO USE VIDEO AND AUDIO RECORDINGS OF ANY PLAYERS GAME PLAY OR INTERACTION WITH OUR TEAMSPEAK. IF YOU CANNOT AGREE TO AFOREMENTIONED RULES AND GUIDELINES, DO NOT ATTEND THIS EVENT.
  21. As discussed in our sexy tech chat, Calendar please, allowing us to post meetings, events, raids, alt runs, GTA poo, etc.
  22. All of our servers are now ranking using gameME. Just helping to get our name out more, and adds a little more fun for players that like to keep track of their ranking. http://atr.gameme.com/ Can browse rankings with the link above. You can also view your rank in-game by typing /rank or !rank Can you be #1?
  23. First day no members available in morning/afternoon to keep pubs engaged to stick around. Zero servers populated, 2PM. Need to do whatever we can to recruit people who are available earlier in the day. Every member needs to be doing this, talk to people in servers, get them on TeamSpeak, get them registered on Forums!
  24. First day all ranked! Can't complain too much. We expected a slow start, and we had one. But the formerly official Conquest server still filled up before noon, stayed full all day and night with a Q, crashed, and refilled in less than 5 minutes. Which is fantastic. Broke 330 players, filled all but one server. Still some work to be done. Glad to see some people in TeamSpeak tonight, some good conversations. Wish we could get that every night and earlier in the day. All and all good job people Lets make it a great weekend! Love, Happy
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