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ATR Seer
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Status Updates posted by Unholy

  1. Schmidt's Sausage truck is at Fiserv today. Going to be a gassy afternoon :)

  2. Meeting with statistical analysts with names I can't pronounce. Think my brain melted. Math skills far beyond me, holy crap.

  3. Blah another bitter cold week. Also, 6 months ago I quit smoking, haven't had a single puff of anything since. Feel great and couldn't be happier. Unless of course it didn't feel like -11 outside. :(

  4. Just brewed my first cup. I like it.

  5. -7 really? Happy Friday!

  6. Yikes -10 tomorrow. Is frozen a valid work from home reason? Lol

  7. Fell twice this morning trying to clear snow off the car. Once on my back and once on my chest. Haven't so much as slipped in so so many years. Going to be a sore day.

  8. It will look much better after detail and sunlight tomorrow lol

  9. Love Visual Studio Ultimate. That price tag though... Yay working for large company that just has keys laying around.

  10. -8 tonight, but a high of 9 tomorrow! Shorts!

  11. Hope everyone enjoys their VD. =)

  12. Conference call with MAPR. Think my eyes are going to be crossed for a while. Big data. Hadoop whaaaat? Making me learn new things . lol

  13. Gah! I need more access! I wanna fix it but access denied. Booo

  14. If you are against vaccination, please let me know. Just want a chance to see who you are, call you a fool, warn those around you and remove you. Thanks!

  15. Damnit. No more The Colbert Report, and now Stewart is stepping down too. Where am I going to get my news at?!

  16. So one of the great perks here is the cafeteria. Breakfast and lunch for 3 bucks a business day that comes out of your check. Pizza, soups, salad bar, hot dogs, sandwich station and a different entree every day. Had a plate full of broccoli and cauliflower and cucumbers. One little piece of green pepper snuck in there. Guess what I am going to be burping the rest of the day. Damm green pepper.

  17. Oh Monday... Take a day off will ya? Another week of new job and consulting for old, and the start of week 24 being smoke free.

  18. Ok one more day of doing the two job thing and then I want to relax and do absolutely nothing that needs my brain this weekend.

  19. I am ready for the weekend. Good lord I just wanted to smack someone lol.

  20. Man after signing up for savings, 401k and stock options my paycheck may be the same size as it was at the old job lol. Damn being an adult and planning for the silly future.

  21. The look in someone's eyes when you ask a question related to something you can program that might eliminate their job. =X Priceless. Well, for me. Pretty sure they see a price.

  22. So this rain/snow stuff can stop anytime. Hopefully salt trucks get out in force so my morning commute doesn't take a couple hours instead of 15 minutes.

  23. Yay first project. Hmm what to call my new portal that will house all future projects. Needs to be more creative than "PortalNET" lol.

  24. It's weird. Due to security I can't get work email on my phone. Thank goodness I can still get pccw mail on it. Checking my phone for fires is going to be a hard habit to break lol

  25. I miss my god access lol. Poor security team is probably getting flooded with my access attempts =

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