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Posts posted by Unholy

  1. Kicked multiple times for high ping. Be aware, becoming a member does not make you immune to our ping kickers. You're pretty much at the max range and of course if that ping is affecting game play of others you're going to get kicked.


    Aside from that, chat is clean, no banned accounts on ACI.

  2. No remote console or anything like procon. 


    Right now it's just easier for members to group up in TS and join in mass to servers together. Sure we don't have a server with our branding on it. But nothing prevents members joining dice servers from saying hey... you seem like a decent human. Join our TS and chill.


    Same goes with BF3. We (in another group) briefly restarted BF3 canals server. Was fun for a week, then people got tired of it and got dusty. So not sure how worthy it is of member donations to go to it. If there is enough demand I'm sure we can figure something out, but we need a few more people before we make that call. =D

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