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ATR Seer
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Everything posted by Unholy

  1. Blah felt like poo yesterday and so far this morning. Blowing up from all sides kind of deal. Weee...

  2. And mood instantly improved thanks to Aaron Lee and a blast from the past with video from "The Flaming Gourmet" we did in the 6th grade for school. Though it was missing the best part, when we light it on fire.

  3. Best regards, Die.

  4. Don't care how many times I've seen it, I still laugh my ass off at Hot Shots!

  5. Blah long rough morning of work issues. And as I sit here drinking my ovaltine and eating some greek yogurt, I realize somewhere along the road, I went old... lol

  6. Awe Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is kinda cute. I would have been his friend. That being said, after he is caught and we get the information we want from him, hopefully we shove a live grenade up his ass and let him go in the woods.

  7. People are making me want to hurt them today... lol

  8. Thinking chop suey tonight, haven't made it for a while.

  9. The real surprise is that this doesn't happen more often here.

  10. Just farted myself awake. Yep going to be one of those nights.

  11. Zero Ultra Monster and Beef Jerky, breakfast of champions.

  12. Blahhh sleep is not my friend tonight. May just drive into work at this rate.

  13. Think it's time to turn the AC on at the office, or for me to buy a fan to point at my nuts. aka I'm warm damnit

  14. Yeah yeah I am awake. Happy Easter. May the ham be with you.

  15. You know the SP is going to be fun when I start it out with: IF (@count>0) --Ok we have some calls, try and fill the gaps - giggity BEGIN --Gonna get looooooooopy until everything is marked as processed While (Select COUNT(id) from @timecard where agent_no=@agent and processed=0)>0 Begin

  16. So I need to figure out someway to help senior leadership track what I'm working on and ensure they can see my accomplishments. Apparently opening tickets for everything I do isn't enough.

  17. Man... This The Bible show on the History channel is pretty good. Wonder how it ends?

  18. Moments before the snow starts, I have an urge to go get a taco. Discover I left sunroof partly open. Good call gut, good call.

  19. The joy of working from home and being able to cook. Steak, sautéed mushrooms and onions, mashed potaoes and gravy for lunch? Yes please.

  20. Making cabbage rolls tonight. Beware of crop dusting tomorrow.

  21. I got my apple juice, ready to go! :)

  22. Is tomorrow over with yet?

  23. RIP Harry Reems

  24. Need a mirror in my cube so I can see who's coming up behind me. Just had Bob doing a dance behind me making fun of me listening to my music lol

  25. Uhg not sure if i should go to sleep now, or try and stay up later and call it an early night

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