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ATR Seer
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Status Updates posted by Unholy

  1. I do not miss the 4am phone calls... lol

  2. Was a good Christmas, but also glad to be back home.

  3. Merry Moooomas everyone.

  4. Lord Unholyfaith

  5. SWTOR: The Fatman Don't believe the Q times, you'll be in 15 minutes or less. Even at 600 in line.

  6. SWTOR: Looks like we may be switching from The Fatman to Dead Weight

  7. 12:01 AM SWTOR officially released... Already 330 in Q for my server. Evil lol

  8. Is it wrong to have Star Wars marathon on Spike TV while playing SWTOR on the computer all day?

  9. Columbus, OH, United States 12/16/2011 6:05 A.M. Arrival Scan

  10. Gamestop shipped early, sweeeet

  11. WTB actual DBA....

  12. I the only one that can't get gchat to work in SWTOR? Blah! Is it level/location restricted? lols

  13. Why oh Why hasn't my SWTOR early access begun?!

  14. Uhg so much to do late tonight/early tomorrow for launch of new HRS and Team apps. Going to be a long Monday

  15. *bangs head repeatedly on desk*

  16. I realize now it is impossible to make spaghetti without spilling some noodles from the box on the stove and floor. Clearly I shouldn't have made fun of my grandmother for doing it when I was younger.

  17. Hugo 3D at Easton 10:30

  18. Hmm what to watch in the theater this weekend.

  19. After 16 hours of game play today... I'm ready for bed. SWTOR very evil, very good.

  20. SWTOR Server: The Fatman lols

  21. Must not fall asleep.

  22. Findlay today, Tiffin tonight, Findlay tomorrow, Columbus tomorrow night.

  23. SW:TOR Finally downloading, it will be a good weekend!

  24. I feel dirty for this... But I'm looking forward to work tomorrow. I'm so close to having new HRS ready to roll out. I have one page left, then throwing everything into a manual. Should have HR managers testing the rest of if this week!

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