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ATR Seer
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Everything posted by Unholy

  1. Been in the office 11.5 hours, haven't ate yet. Just ordered some Jimmy Johns. Hopefully I don't immediately pass out after eating. Someone poke at me in my chair if I start snoring.

  2. Somehow on the way to bed I took a wrong turn and ended up in the office.

  3. New sexy keyboard and mouse for the office. As well as Steel Series 5H v2 Headset. Works wonderful, can't hear anyone lol.

  4. Oh Monday you weren't missed at all.

  5. Shame on me for not having corned beef and cabbage on hand for today. Will make up for it tomorrow. Have to break in the new office furniture.

  6. Yep good night. Will have to veto My no drinking with coworkers clause.

  7. Up early for breakfast. Check To the store! Check The the Liquor Store! Check Nap time... pending

  8. I've had Stargate SG-1 in the background this past week. Love it. Except every time Teal'c says "indeed" I think of Gettys, then I'm sad.

  9. Haven't been outside in days. I fear tomorrow I may have to go to the store. Boo.

  10. Going to be weird working from home all week. Need to upgrade my chair or add some extra padding lol.

  11. This working from home thing is nice. No distractions, get more done. All without pants.

  12. Bring it on snow. Kitchen is stocked.

  13. After you hit 30, you just stay there right? So tomorrow doesn't count.

  14. Should not have worn black... so much dust! Need new housekeeping for the office lols

  15. When cooking oatmeal and milk in the microwave... Do not step away. I say this as I now have to remove the layer of oatmeal now coating the entire inside of the microwave. #facepalm

  16. Headed to Findlay for the day to see my Nephew and the rest of the fam. Early bday dinner later.

  17. Anyone have a soda stream thing? That carbonates water? Curious how it does. Need to kick my diet pop addiction, but want my bubbles lol.

  18. Sounds like it's going to be an interesting month at the office.

  19. As of ten minutes ago, finally an uncle. Baby is in special care due to some complications and very long labor. But mom and baby boy are expected to be fine.

  20. Sister inlaw is in labor! Going to be an Uncle hopefully today.
  21. I do believe I'm going to be an Uncle today! Marilou Smith's water broke this morning!

  22. Back home. Joy..

  23. Time to hit the road. Le Sigh. Eta to Columbus, 7 hours 20 minutes.

  24. Last call here is 1am? That's just crazy talk. Exceptions should be made for Ohioans.

  25. Fantastic day, evening is looking just as good.

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