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ATR Seer
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Status Updates posted by Unholy

  1. Yep, I went and watched Breaking Dawn Part 1. I'm a big girl. And completely not afraid to admit that I am looking forward to Part 2. It was good dammit.

  2. Strong desire to run away somewhere. No idea why lol

  3. Leaving the theater, walking past Gym turning phone back on... Guy from Gym calls asking if I was still interested. Clearly it's an evil evil sign, or I'm being stalked.

  4. Easton Immortals 3D 5:30 can I make it!? Go go traffic.

  5. Happy Veterans day. As always I'm happy to serve those that serve/d our country.

  6. It is snowing...

  7. Looking forward to watching Immortal Friday. Looks nifty.

  8. Not sure how I feel about that. Can I have just two Weeks in a row where something major doesn't happen at work?

  9. (3:36 PM) Nickolas Smith: Ahhh now I know why they haven't hired a new CM there. That sucks (3:36 PM) Nickolas Smith: You guys got apps out for other places yet? (3:36 PM) Nickolas Smith: At least you have until the end of december (3:36 PM) Emily Weiker: ??? Im confused (3:37 PM) Nickolas Smith: uhhh nevermind (3:37 PM) Emily Weiker: OH NO, Nick. (3:37 PM) Emily Weiker: what does that even mean?? (3:38 PM) Nickolas Smith: Happy Halloween! giggle (3:38 PM) Emily Weiker: I just about DIED. (3:...

  10. Puss in Boots: An IMAX 3D Experience Think i'm going to Easton tonight... Giggle

  11. Lifetime Fitness $60/month @ Easton. Worth it?

  12. Well I was going to make chili tonight. But I was forced at gun point to have Mexican for lunch. Double down on beans could be dangerous.

  13. After two days of getting poked, pricked, shot, assaulted nasally, fondled, drained of blood and blinded... I am happy to be in the office lol

  14. The Walking Dead - Season 1... Just about finished with it.

  15. Balls are in the oven and made the way god intended: No two are the same size or shape!

  16. Believe I am going to experiment with ground turkey meatballs and pasta for dinner tonight.

  17. Did I just read that e-mail right?

  18. The Thing - Tonight... I think. Def not Footloose lol

  19. Kinda feel like poo today. Think I could use some tea and to lay down for a bit.

  20. Getting ready to leave.

  21. Real Steel IMAX @ Easton AMC 30 @ 10pm.

  22. Oh Ohio... It wasn't long enough.

  23. Tuni from the bedroom: Kitty my thighs are open!

  24. To Do List: 1. Wash Cooler 2. Get Ice 3. Not go crazy at work 4. Break to get Liquor 5. Watch clock at work 6. Drive! 7. Weeeeeeeeeee

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