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ATR Seer
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Everything posted by Unholy

  1. At Famous Daves mmm ribs

  2. Man the internet at this hotel is crappy for some reason. Thank you USB Tether and 4G.

  3. Unexpected and welcome end to the day. :) Time for bed lol

  4. Arrived in Delaware. Had to get a car wash. My pretty blue car was solid white from salt! And i had just washed it this morning lol

  5. I will be in Wilmington, DE 2/20-2/24 hitting on Iaxeyou, LittleLai, PewUrDead, Kansir and Yazie. No raid for me. Possibly want to cut out early on the 19th as well as I plan on hitting the road very early on 2/20 but we'll see.
  6. Massive project at work needs to be released tonight, I doubt highly I will be home before 8, so plan on replacing me. Should be available tomorrow. Hopefully Gump or Mastric can handle running DKP for tonight.
  7. Expecting multiple items to show up Tuesday, and a TV getting delivered and installed at 7. I doubt I'll be on for raid so plan on having someone take my place.
  8. Mom out did herself. Homemade noodles were perfect, mashed potatoes were awesome, turkey was the best I've ever had. Not to mention the butterscotch pie. mmmmmmmmm Going to sleep well tonight.

  9. Happy Turkey day. Now if only I wasn't up with work at 4am this morning, and didn't have to work tomorrow, I could be happy.

  10. Man... Is it Thursday yet? Ready for moms homemade noodles, mashed potatoes and turkey. Also the nap that follows it.

  11. Anyone else Lame and probably watching the breaking dawn movie this weekend? lol

  12. I doubt I'll be on. Still ticked over Tuesday night.
  13. New Computer or bigger TV before year end. hmm which do I want.

  14. Blahh too much to get done by the end of the year.

  15. In Tiffin. It has been a while.

  16. Thinking i want to go watch skyfall Friday.

  17. Should have worn a belt today. Just lost a button lol.

  18. So todays question. HR tells you that you have X amount of vacation time available. You take it. Then a month later find out they didn't calc it correctly and your 20 hours over. Who's fault it that?

  19. Was a long night and has been a long morning already. I don't wanna go in to work, but off I go.

  20. Also congratulations to Maine and Maryland for deciding that government shouldn't decide whom we love.

  21. Shocking, Romney takes Kentucky. Good job Matthew Reddell

  22. lol @Foxnews for crying over a mural of Obama that was in a school used as a polling place. Because I know when I show up to vote for a candidate, I'm going to vote for someone with completely different values than I have, because I saw a drawing of them on a wall. Yep..

  23. The thing I look forward to most on this day is Live The Daily Show and The Colbert Report lol

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