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ATR Seer
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Status Updates posted by Unholy

  1. Steve Jobs is dead.

  2. It doesn't feel like it is time for Monday yet :(

  3. Butternut Squash in the oven, experimenting... lol

  4. 50/50 was awesome, best movie I have seen all year. Laughed my ass off, and cried like a bitch with the girls around me lols

  5. 50/50 @ 7:50 @ Easton

  6. Thinking 50/50 @ Easton tonight. Looks like it should be good.

  7. “Computer science education cannot make anybody an expert programmer any more than studying brushes and pigment can make somebody an expert painter.”

  8. Stop raining already! Gah seems like we haven't had an evening without it being overcast and yucky forever.

  9. Twas a good night. :)

  10. Your timeline is now live — Developer Release Please note: During the developer release, only other developers will be able to see your new timeline. Everyone else will see your old profile.

  11. Can I just turn off my email and office phone and cell phone? That's the only way I am getting what should be done today accomplished. Blahhhhhh

  12. So much I need to and should do.... Starting with finding the floor in my apartment. Maybe if I can get this place organized then my thoughts will fall into place and i'll feel more motivated to do the other things I need to do lol

  13. Abduction @ 7:15 then I think killer elite @ 9:40. Easton of course.

  14. Finally I can join the Military today... lol

  15. What to do today... I need to clean the apt but that's just not fun.

  16. Just picked up a Droid Bionic. It is sweet! Fast! And with the extended battery can be used to beat someone to death.

  17. New The Big Bang Theory starts in one week! Can't wait!

  18. Ah Monday. Time to start back up with the diet/exercise. Which I should have done last week. Still managed to drop 5lbs since Wednesday when I got back from vaca bringing my total so far to 20lbs. No idea where it went.

  19. Operation Day for Nick complete. Didn't have to get up and go anywhere. Watched movies all day and a had fun nightcap. ;)

  20. 945 contagion imax, easton.

  21. Damnit Psychosi got the drop on me.

  22. I want to go somewhere, just don't know where.

  23. Actually glad to be back at work... How weird is that?

  24. Time to be poor... Looks like I am getting a 2012.

  25. I'm home. Need to deliver rental car in morning, and browse cars...

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